Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sea World and Sunburn

Yesterday we went to Sea World and played in the Lost Lagoon! When we first arrived, I begrudgingly changed into my swimsuit. I was so self conscience about wearing it. Inside I was screaming, "I don't want to do this!" I prayed for the courage to let my fears go. I knew that in order to have a good time, I couldn't dwell on my insecurites. I made it my goal to enjoy the time I was spending with my family. I'm still not comfortable wearing a swimsuit, but I had the best time. We laughed and splashed all day! It wasn't until I woke up this morning that I realized just how much fun we'd had. My muscles are so sore and I literally am as red as a lobster! Yes, I put on the sunblock, but obviously, it didn't do the job. I shivered most of the night and I think that's part of the reason I am so sore. I wouldn't hesitate to do it all over again!

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