Monday, August 17, 2009

Paper Cake...

Now you can have your cake, and eat it too! My daughter attended her first piano lesson today. I don't know who was more excited, me or her. In order to keep the other kids busy while we waited for her, I decided to take a craft project that the kids could help me with. I sought after a kids pattern and quickly realized it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be (to find something). I stumbled across this website The name alone tickled me...but here I found a pattern and a photo of the finsihed project. With my birthday right around the corner (I'll be 29 again for the 3rd time) I knew this was the perfect craft to keep our little eyes, hands, and minds occupied. I printed the pattern on the back side of 8 1/2 by 11 patterned paper and the kids cut it out while I stamped and glittered the flowers and circles. Time ran out on us, so I brought them all home and put them together. This is one cake that the kids helped make. It yielded minimal mess, and no injuries. I'll serve up the slices at the crop on Friday night.

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