Saturday, June 28, 2014

NERD - Never Ending Radical Diva

One day in Jr. High, I remember standing in the line in the cafeteria when some kid called me a nerd. It was meant to be an insult, but I was so naïve, I thought it meant I was smart. I stood there glad that someone else had realized I was intelligent. I was born geeky. I had crooked teeth and big glasses. I liked books, not boys! I was clumsy, dorky, and artistic; not popular, poised, or athletic! I had a quirkiness about me that made others shy away from being my friend. I didn’t fit the mold of the perfect little girl! I loved to learn. I embraced homework as a challenge to prove to others just how smart I was (little did I know, they could actually care less, until they needed answers for their homework). As an adult, I still have a love for learning. I spend countless hours reading online, watching how to videos, and making lists. My favorite aisle in the department store is the office supplies. I’m still as much a nerd today as I was in Jr High. I’ve simply learned who I can share it with and who will judge me for it. I choose to invest my time in relationships that appreciate my nerdiness, and I dial it down in those situations where I have to tolerate those that just don’t get it. Being a nerd is all about being who you are! To me, being a nerd means I’m a Never Ending Radical Diva!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


I’ve always considered myself a spontaneous individual. Often, I dread the mundane nature of routine. I attribute this to my quirky creative side. The funny thing is, I like crisp clean lines when decorating or scrapbooking. I guess it all comes down to balance. That’s why I love Sundays! Before I got married, I had only been to church every once in a while. As an adult, I didn’t go to church at all until about a week before I got married. My life is still chaotic and I often fly by the seat of my pants. doing things in the spur of the moment is just how I roll. Who needs a plan? That’s my usual theory. But there is never a doubt as to where I will be on Sunday! Sundays are the Lord’s Day. As a single woman, I never thought in a million years that I would be the wife of a pastor. Sundays are a great example of everything that is right with my life. Sundays are spent at church. Sundays are days that I can refuel and recharge for the week ahead. Sundays bring balance, they complete me!

Stroke of Creative Genius

I may not be a typical mom, all soft, cuddly, and nurturing; but I do have some good qualities. I pride myself in my creativity and my smarts. One thing you kids have benefitted from is definitely my craftiness. This photo of y’all taken at Halloween as a movie combo was a stroke of genius! One afternoon just prior to the holiday, you all wanted to go trick or treating in town, but you didn’t have costumes. Well, you know me…a store bought costume was out of the question. So, in a span of about 45 minutes, I got busy getting creative and these costumes were a result of my efforts. Dakota’s was made with a box, some white freezer paper, red paint, hand cut letters and real popcorn on top. Macy’s costume was made with a brown pillowcase, some silver ribbon, and letters cut from copy paper and then taped to the front. Mason’s was a cup of Coca-Cola. I used a five gallon bucket with the bottom cut out, a printed Coca-Cola picture, and a pair of suspenders (to hold the bucket onto his body). I used a pieces of PVC pipe with a red marker stripe for a straw. Not bad for a last minute costume idea. It was a big hit with everyone who saw it!

I'm not that mom...

I’m not that mom that sat rocking my newborn to sleep because I was too exhausted and I wanted the crying to stop.
I’m not that mom who kissed boo-boo’s because I get the heebie-jeebies’ when I see an open wound.
I’m not that mom who calmly cleans up the spilled milk or the bowl of cereal because I don’t like messes.
I’m not that mom who played and splashed the bath water in the tub because I was usually working at bedtime.
I’m not that mom who read stories and tucked them in at bedtime because I didn’t think to do it.
I’m not that mom that responds softly after being ignored several times because I can’t tolerate rudeness or disrespect.
I’m not that mom who slaves over a hot stove to cook homemade dinners every night because dad is better at it.
I’m not that mom who does the chores like laundry and dishes because I want my kids to know how to do it for themselves.
I’m not that mom who shops for the coolest, latest, and greatest whatever it is because I don’t think it’s a necessity for kids.
I’m not that mom that will shut up and leave you alone because solitude leads to bitterness and trouble.

But, I AM that mom that

Prays that you know God
Creates memories w/you
gives you opportunities 
is proud of you
enjoys traveling with you 
supports your efforts
tries to laugh with you 
yells loudly from the stands
helps you succeed 
disciplines you
becomes a bear when others hurts you 
defends you
hopes you choose right over wrong 
photographs everything
worries that I’m a good enough mom 
stalks your online activity
will embarrass you 
couldn’t live without you

All because I LOVE YOU!