Scraps of Life
God, Family, Photography, Scrapbooking, Cardmaking, Stamping, Paper Crafting...Life's not about waiting for the storms to pass; it's about learning to Dance in the Rain!
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Ordinary People
Funny how it's been almost a year since I posted. Today is my 19th wedding anniversary. When we got married 19 years ago, I imagine we shocked some people. We'd only been engaged a week. There is no doubt in my mind that we are meant to be together. Everyday I think to myself, how can I possibly love him more? And yet, everyday I discover I live him more today than I did yesterday. The thought of living without you in my life literally takes my breath away. We have weathered many storms together. We grab hold and hang on tight to one another during the tough times. We complete each other. We are like 2 sides of the same coin, unable to exsist without the other! I'm looking forward because I know the best is yet to come!
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Country Barbie
Sunday, August 2, 2015
A Work in Progress
Many artists use their talents to create their masterpieces. When you look at the work of a famous artist, you only see their best work. You don't see the many hours of work and preparation that came before that piece. You see the completed product but not the work in progress. You see the perfected end result. Christ is the ultimate creative genius and we are His masterpiece. Do you allow Christ to fashion you into the masterpiece He desires for you, or do you end up a less than perfect finished product. Gods word says in Joshua 24:15 choose you this day whom ye will serve. Serve, by its very definition means to submit, to be of use in achieving or satisfying. If you are completely serving Christ, if you are glorying him, you will submit and you will be used by him to achieve and satisfy his purpose.
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Standing OUT
When I was a girl in school, I wanted so badly to be popular. Back then, that meant being cool and being a part of the “in” crowd. The popular kids seemed to have everything I didn’t. Everybody liked them, they had plenty of money, and they never seemed to have any trouble getting whatever they wanted. Well, the truth is, I wasn’t willing to be popular. I didn’t want to be like everyone else; I just wanted to be liked! I am still the same nerdy soul in this adult body wanting the attention and adoration of others. I’ve learned through the years how shallow that popularity is. I’ve gone on to accept the skin I’m in, along with the imperfections. Instead of hating the system, I’ve learned how to make it work for me. Am I popular today…honestly I doubt it? What I do know is that if you will be sincere and original, they can’t forget you and in some social circles, that’s not the popular way to be. So, I find myself surrounded by people who will lift you up when you’ve fallen, people who will be honest no matter how hard the truth is, and people that spread joy, peace, and happiness wherever they go, those are the people that I want to invest my time with! I’m drawn to those people, because that’s the kind of person I hope that I am!
Saturday, June 28, 2014
NERD - Never Ending Radical Diva
One day in Jr. High, I remember standing in the line in the cafeteria when some kid called me a nerd. It was meant to be an insult, but I was so naïve, I thought it meant I was smart. I stood there glad that someone else had realized I was intelligent. I was born geeky. I had crooked teeth and big glasses. I liked books, not boys! I was clumsy, dorky, and artistic; not popular, poised, or athletic! I had a quirkiness about me that made others shy away from being my friend. I didn’t fit the mold of the perfect little girl! I loved to learn. I embraced homework as a challenge to prove to others just how smart I was (little did I know, they could actually care less, until they needed answers for their homework). As an adult, I still have a love for learning. I spend countless hours reading online, watching how to videos, and making lists. My favorite aisle in the department store is the office supplies. I’m still as much a nerd today as I was in Jr High. I’ve simply learned who I can share it with and who will judge me for it. I choose to invest my time in relationships that appreciate my nerdiness, and I dial it down in those situations where I have to tolerate those that just don’t get it. Being a nerd is all about being who you are! To me, being a nerd means I’m a Never Ending Radical Diva!
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
I’ve always considered myself a spontaneous individual. Often, I dread the mundane nature of routine. I attribute this to my quirky creative side. The funny thing is, I like crisp clean lines when decorating or scrapbooking. I guess it all comes down to balance. That’s why I love Sundays! Before I got married, I had only been to church every once in a while. As an adult, I didn’t go to church at all until about a week before I got married. My life is still chaotic and I often fly by the seat of my pants. doing things in the spur of the moment is just how I roll. Who needs a plan? That’s my usual theory. But there is never a doubt as to where I will be on Sunday! Sundays are the Lord’s Day. As a single woman, I never thought in a million years that I would be the wife of a pastor. Sundays are a great example of everything that is right with my life. Sundays are spent at church. Sundays are days that I can refuel and recharge for the week ahead. Sundays bring balance, they complete me!
Stroke of Creative Genius
I may not be a typical mom, all soft, cuddly, and nurturing; but I do have some good qualities. I pride myself in my creativity and my smarts. One thing you kids have benefitted from is definitely my craftiness. This photo of y’all taken at Halloween as a movie combo was a stroke of genius! One afternoon just prior to the holiday, you all wanted to go trick or treating in town, but you didn’t have costumes. Well, you know me…a store bought costume was out of the question. So, in a span of about 45 minutes, I got busy getting creative and these costumes were a result of my efforts. Dakota’s was made with a box, some white freezer paper, red paint, hand cut letters and real popcorn on top. Macy’s costume was made with a brown pillowcase, some silver ribbon, and letters cut from copy paper and then taped to the front. Mason’s was a cup of Coca-Cola. I used a five gallon bucket with the bottom cut out, a printed Coca-Cola picture, and a pair of suspenders (to hold the bucket onto his body). I used a pieces of PVC pipe with a red marker stripe for a straw. Not bad for a last minute costume idea. It was a big hit with everyone who saw it!
I'm not that mom...
I’m not that mom that sat rocking my newborn to sleep because I was too exhausted and I wanted the crying to stop.
I’m not that mom who kissed boo-boo’s because I get the heebie-jeebies’ when I see an open wound.
I’m not that mom who calmly cleans up the spilled milk or the bowl of cereal because I don’t like messes.
I’m not that mom who played and splashed the bath water in the tub because I was usually working at bedtime.
I’m not that mom who read stories and tucked them in at bedtime because I didn’t think to do it.
I’m not that mom that responds softly after being ignored several times because I can’t tolerate rudeness or disrespect.
I’m not that mom who slaves over a hot stove to cook homemade dinners every night because dad is better at it.
I’m not that mom who does the chores like laundry and dishes because I want my kids to know how to do it for themselves.
I’m not that mom who shops for the coolest, latest, and greatest whatever it is because I don’t think it’s a necessity for kids.
I’m not that mom that will shut up and leave you alone because solitude leads to bitterness and trouble.
But, I AM that mom that
Prays that you know God
Creates memories w/you
gives you opportunities
is proud of you
enjoys traveling with you
supports your efforts
tries to laugh with you
yells loudly from the stands
helps you succeed
disciplines you
becomes a bear when others hurts you
defends you
hopes you choose right over wrong
photographs everything
worries that I’m a good enough mom
stalks your online activity
will embarrass you
couldn’t live without you
All because I LOVE YOU!
Saturday, September 14, 2013
US Map Wall Art

Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Almost a decade of experience

walt Disney
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Sometimes life has a way of weighing you one sense it is a good way to stay grounded. But for a person that likes to fly, that's like having a broken wing. I'm usually the person that can find the silver lining in any cloud, the one that doesn't mind the storm, because I know that when it blows over, everything will be refreshed on the other side.
Here lately though, it seems as if I've taken on the roll of a garbage truck. I'm drving around and without realizing it, I've lifted the trash from the lives of others and now the truck is full and I can't find my way to the landfill. I know that sooner or later I'm going to run out of gas and I don't want to be stuck holding this rubble. I don't want to dump it in some place that isn't built to accept it; I know that just creates a bigger mess in the long run. I guess I'm hoping that a rescue truck will come along and ease my load, either by filling my tank back up and providing me with directions, or by hauling me and my load to the landfill.
I guess I'm lacking direction right now. Perhaps I've been relying on the wrong map. Sometimes I feel like I'm reading the right map, but somehow I'm doing it all wrong. It's kind of like having a GPS and putting in the zip code incorrectly. Now I'm way off course, and I lack the resources to get back on track.
This is when I realize I can't do it on my own. I have to rely on someone else to assist me. I need someone else to help me find my way. It's hard for someone like me, so independent, to admit that I need help because it's beyond my control.
It's hard to become the needy one when you've only ever been the strong one. The one that does the jobs that no one else wants to, like picking up the trash in other peoples lives. I don't mean physical rubbish, but rather the worries and struggles and pain that they are suffering from. I have to allow someone to pick up my load and haul it away for me. Maybe it's not my job to carry it all the way to the landfill, but just to be there to get it out of the hands of those that can no longer carry it themselves.
Photo credit belongs to this site
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Coming into Focus
Friday afternoon my newest nephew finally graced us with his appearance. I might add that he is quite handsome, but some might say that's because I am biased. After all, I am his auntie. This post however is really more about an epiphany that occurred while I was patiently awaiting his arrival. It's such a powerful moment when you see an accumulation of events that have taken place come together in such a way that the picture couldn't be painted any clearer. Before I reveal my big "duh" moment, I want to share with you some of the events that preceded this.
It all started about 4 years ago. My job at the time was abruptly ended and I really didn't know what to do with the next chapter of my life at that point. There had never been a time when I wasn't gainfully employed since I've been old enough to hold a job. This break gave me some time to reflect on me as a person, and to learn who I am and what really drives me. I've always had a passion for photography and for scrapbooking and I began to see opportunities to grow relationships through those hobbies. After almost a year of trying to decide how I was going to proceed with my life, I finally decided to go back to school. I have always enjoyed learning and taking on a new challenge. I felt compelled to learn sign language and so that's what I decided to do. After studying for a year, it became necessary for me to return to work and disappointingly, I put my studies on hold. I was saddened because I felt like I had such potential at a career within the deaf community. My instructor once suggested that I work as an advocate for the deaf. At the point that I went back to work, I had finished half of my necessary classes to get my degree in American Sign Language. I currently hold a certificate of skills for my accomplishments.
The irony is that the same job that ended so quickly before, is right where I am back working today. Being employed in law enforcement has given me the opportunity to see people at their worst and at the same time see heroes at work responding positively to bad situations. Because I work overnight, I am able to participate in the kids school activities and local community events and that has made me think often of volunteering in some way to do advocacy work. I'm good at standing up for those that can fend for themselves. I've always felt like there would be a 'special' child in my life. Now here's the epiphany: I am suppose to adopt a special needs child! The picture is clearly in focus. The sign language is a bonus to assist in care and communication with such a child.
I know that there are people that would question me. I can already hear them, "Why a special needs child?" and "Do you think you are ready for something like this?" or "How do your children feel about this?" I realize this isn't a decision to be taken lightly and I know it's not a short process. I get the fact that it doesn't only affect me. I understand that it will change our lives forever and that there will be setbacks and disappointments, but on the other side of that I'm banking on that blessings that cannot be measured. When babies are born to birth parents, it's life changing, it is demanding, and sometimes disappointing, but always worth it!
I recall a conversation many years ago with my little boy asking for a brother to play with. Due to medical procedures our family hasn't been able to have more children since days after the birth of our youngest. I remember telling my son that if he wanted a brother that he would have to pray and ask God for a miracle, continuing to explain that God would have to find a special way to give our family another little boy. Well kid, you just might get what you've asked for!
sign language,
special needs
Friday, April 1, 2011
Bad Apples

Just the other day I was feeling so completely weighed down. It seems that everything around me is being negatively affected. I see people that have been stricken by misfortune and tradgedy, others by illness, and some experiencing life changing events that affect others. It has really opened my eyes to see that no matter what you hear, say, see, or do, it has an affect on someone else. Some things are positive, but it's the negative things that leave a lasting impression on someone. It really is true that one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch; but I feel like it doesn't have to! If you see the bad apple, and you know it's going to affect the others, do something to stop it. You could take the bad apple away and toss it, but first, check closely to see if part of it still isn't salvagable. You could leave the bad apple and remove the rest so that they don't become contaminated. That's what elementary minds do. You know what I'm talking about. The idea that "You've got cooties" so everyone avoids you! I'm of the frame of mind that you should save the bad apple, carve away the part that isn't good and then all the apples can bake together and they sure make one tasty apple pie! Isn't that what God does to us? As christians, we are to be in the world but not of it. Some christians would have the "bad apples" plucked out, and other christians would avoid the "bad apples", but I think that both of those solutions are not quite what God had in mind. He wants us to figure out how to make apple pie by trimming away the bad parts of all the apples.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
How Much are you willing to Pay?
I don't even know where to start. I have so much on my mind, so much going on in my circle of life. A few months ago, we moved into a place of our own. At first it felt a little strange. It was a welcomed change, I mean, I was super excited to finally have room to stretch out a little. At this point, as the new bills are starting to show up in the mailbox, reality is beginning to sink in. Good things don't happen without a price. That thought really gets the ball rolling for so much more. The more you want something, the more you must be willing to pay for it, but when and how do you know that the price in which you are paying for whatever it is that you want is really worth the cost. I'm not talking about material things necessarily, but it surely applies to that as well. Time truly is a price that once gone cannot be regained. Children are only small for a season, and then they grow up and get opinions of their own, some of which you wonder where they ever came from, but you celebrate the joys as often as you can. The joy in which you receive is directly related to the amount of suffering you endure, again relating to the price you pay. The harder the trials, the richer the blessings feel. I'm reminded of the scripture, to whom much is given, of him shall much be required. That means for every positive there is a negative, for every bonus, there is a deficit, and for life's joys there comes sacrifice. To those people that feel they have been dealt an incredibly crappy life, I say to you,"You haven't been paying attention to the blessings in which you've been dealt." Maybe our miseries truly are just mercies in disguise.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Back in the 50's Again!

My daily photo challenge has really been a challenge! I have been so busy outside my normal routine that I haven't taken the time to focus much on it. This picture is from our recent VBS (vacation bible school) at church. Our theme this year was a road trip. We focused on learning what our destination was and how the places we visited in our imagination compared to valuable lessons we learn from God's word. This 50's diner was our 'roadside cafe'. The first night, the kids visited Washington D.C. while learning about the original journey to the King (the wisemen's visit to see the newborn King). The kids learned that they could choose to worship. The second night, the kids traveled to Chicago, IL, while they learned about 10 lepers of which only one was thankful. On the third night, we went to Lebanon, KS. I know, you're thinking "Why Lebanon, Kansas, and where is that?" Not to worry my friend, I had the exact same reaction. But like the kids, I learned that Lebanon is in the most central part of the continental U.S. and that tied to our bible lesson about salvation and making God the center of our lives! We had 2 children saved that night. The fourth night, we traveled to Yellowstone National Park, and discovered that we could believe, that we didn't have to be a doubting Thomas! The kids also learned that Yellowstone is a stinky place because of all the sulphur, and that sin stinks that same way. We had two additional kids saved this night. On our last day, the kids traveled to Knottsberry Farm and learned a lesson in obedience. Just like we have to follow the rules there, we must follow God's rule thru His word! We ended our week on Independence Day with a ceremony, songs, issuing certificates and even a little 4th of July meal complete with watermelon. We had one more child saved on Sunday.
4th of July,
Independence Day,
road trip,
vacation bible school,
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
I Spy

Here is my little shutterbug in training...that's a might hefty cera for a beginner...but there's nothing like jumping in with both feet...I'm just glad she kept her feet firmly planted...she was next to the creek after all...I'm glad that she shares my passion for photos...who knows...she may have her own blog one day...allbeit not anytime soon
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
A New Perspective
This is a picture of Bear Lake in Rocky Mountain National Park taken just before dusk. Sadly, it wasn't until our third visit that I saw this awesome sight. Each time prior to this visit, I hadn't taken the opportunity to finish the trail all the way around the lake. I was so awestruck by the beauty from the other angle that I hadn't considered that it could be as beautiful from any other perspective. It's funny, life does that to us sometimes. We become so conditioned to the way things are that change is uncomfortable. We often don't want to stretch out of our comfort zones, to the realm of the unknown, for fear of whatever may happen. The thing is, if we just trust in the growing pains, they won't let us down. It truly does depend on how you perceive it, the glass can be half empty or it can be half full. When you see it as only a lump of coal, stop for a minute and ask yourself, "Is it possible that I'm missing something better?" Indeed you will find out that you are missing the diamond that lies within that coal.
Bear Lake,
daily photo challenge,
project 365,
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

As a scrapbooker, one of the elements of page design is to break the page into thirds. I can't help but notice how our Heavenly Father has the patent on design. I don't know why I'm surprised by this, after all, He is the creator of the universe. It's not like any ideas that I come up with are really mine.
I am often amazed at some of the art I have made. How much more amazing must our Savior, our Creator, marvel at His creations. Sometimes, after I've worked a while on a project, I get discouraged when it doesn't turn out the way I wanted it to. That makes me ponder about how we sometimes disappoint our Maker when we disobey him or blatantly choose to do things our way. When we don't yeild to the will of The Creative Genious, God, we don't live up to the potential He has gifted us with.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Nature - Flowers & Celtic Music
This is my first attempt at a picture movie! I hope you like it! Leave me a comment and let me know!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Here in Texas we are blessed with beautiful wildflowers on the roadside during the spring. In case you weren't aware, bluebonnets are our state flower, they are protected. We teach our children that you can't pick them, but you are always welcome to strike a pose among them!
daily photo challenge,
project 365,
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
I couldn't even really tell you where he obtained this shirt, but it kinda strikes me as a little humorous. I am always trying to educate him on etiquette and teach him how to be sophisticated when the need arises, but he is country to the core! This shirt is a good balance between his country roots and the class I'm trying to instill in him. Somehow, I think it's sinking in!
Monday, April 19, 2010
We had a retired professional champion bull rider come and give his testimony at church. He was a pure delight to listen to. I've never really been interested in bull riding particularly, but I really enjoyed his life story. He was very entertaining. As you can see, my little doll took her chance to be photographed with fame!
bull riding,
daily photo challenge,
project 365
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Bouncing Around
I have been so busy over the past few days that I haven't had time to update my daily challenge. The thing is, it's a busy season for me. I'm going to keep trying to post as often as I get the opportunity. This photo was actually taken in Feb. but it so represents how I feel, bouncing from one event to another, barely stopping for a moments rest. I lost an entire 24 hours (2 days) without sleep this past week because I had been so busy. I am hoping that this isn't going to be becoming a habit.
daily photo challenge,
project 365
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Shattered Lives

This picture is from the mock crash scene at the Shattered Lives Program. I picked this photo because you can't really see the victims, but with the Grim Reaper lurking around, you get a pretty good indication of what has happened here. Take careful notice of all the beer cans that have fallen out of the car. This was a historical happening here in our little town. This was the first ever Shattered Lives Program to be hosted. Hats off to everyone involved...You helped make it the success it was!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Still budding after almost 12 years!

This photo is clearly a rosebud! What you may need help seeing is the message it holds for me. I look at this and I think about the fresh picked flowers that Gary brought me out of the blue just yesterday. I am so blessed to have a man in my life that never grows tired of keeping the flame kindled between us. Over and over I hear women complain that after a while, the romance grows cold, that their men just don't treat them the way they once did, that they feel like a trophy on the shelf collecting dust. The key is to find the balance, you don't want them to work so hard for you that they give up, but you don't want to give in to easily either. Saying "I do" doesn't mean that it's over, it means the best is yet to come. Just like this rosebud, it's a process that takes time to blossom!
daily photo challenge,
new growth,
project 365,
Saturday, April 10, 2010

I'm only a few days into Project 365, but I seem to be having difficulty keeping up already. Today's photo is from opening day. Sister had her first game today! Her team, the Owls, did fabulous today. At one point they were ahead of the other team....and that's saying something, considering the other team was hand-picked by a coach that new who all the all-stars were from the previous season. The girls on our team have little experience playing . I'm so proud of the way they played today! The really were winners in my book (and here, that's the only one that counts!)
daily photo challenge,
project 365,
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Looks Can be Deceiving
Take a close look, do you see the spider lurking under the edge of the flower petal. I am reminded of what a great protector I have in my husband. He has been blessed with the gift of discernment, and he is always having to keep me from getting myself in a mess, and rescue me when I do! I often go head first into a project, and that can be a good thing, but sometimes I don't always see the dangers lurking ahead.
daily photo challenge,
project 365,
A Place for Me
Okay, so technically this photos wasn't taken today, but it's the one I want to use, and since this is my blog, I can do that! Interesting enough, it's not what's in this photo that speaks to me, but rather what's missing. It's me, I am what's missing.

daily photo challenge,
project 365,
Monday, April 5, 2010
kindred spirit
Today's photo is of my baby girl. She is 8 years old now, and it seems like only yesterday that I was bringing her home from the hospital. But that's not what this picture is about. This photo is about her expression. This is one of those times that a picture is worth 1,000 words. The trouble with that is that it takes someone to see those words. For me, this picture is one that I feel I commonly make. I often feel misunderstood by those around me, but baby girl 'gets me' when no one else does....and I look at this picture, and I 'get her'.
kindred spirit,
photo challenge,
project 365
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Today's picture makes me think of memories that are triggered by smell. You know what I'm
talking how moth balls remind you of your grandma's house, and sweaty shorts remind you of High School Gym class. These days, a certain fragrance reminds me of certain people. I'll never smell Old Spice without thinking of my dad and Brut makes me think of my brothers. When I smell Obession, I am reminded of Captain York with the Texas State Guard. Pumpkin pies always remind me of baking with momma. One smell I will never forget is that of my children when they were babies....mothers never forget the smell of baby formula.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Today's photo really was a challenge for me. I have a few different shots, but listening for the one that spoke to me took a while. I finally decided on this on because it says a couple things to me. The boot seems to have a bit of nostalgia mixed with modern material. That's how I feel some days. I think of myself as 'old-fashioned' but at the same time, I don't know how I ever lived without internet. In the words of Hannah Montana, "I've got the best of both worlds!" The second thing I am drawn to is the repetition of the buttons. There's just something to be regarded about things that never change. I have spent countless hours trying to break out of the proverbial box, going above and beyond anyone's expectations in many areas of my life. It's been a hard lesson for me to learn that doing something the same way it's always been done isn't always a bad thing. I hope that makes sense. I can't wait to see what tomorrow has in store for my challenge.
Friday, April 2, 2010
My Baby Loves Me Just The Way That I Am
Today's photo, at first glance, makes me think of Spring, but after pondering on it for a few minutes I began to think about how comfortable I am in my jeans. I'm glad I can be who I am, that I don't have to pretend to be something I'm not. I may not be the most popular person on the planet, but I am for real and to me that's more important.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
'breakfast in bed'
So this afternoon, I woke up (I work at night) to 'breakfast in bed'. The kids had biscuits for breakfast, and they used the cookie cutters to shape them. I wake up to find these sitting on my table in my room. I first thought that each one of the kids had made me one...each a little different, but upon further investigation, I learned it was all my son's idea! Way to go buddy, you'll make a fine husband someday.
Oh the doors they will unlock and the places the will take you. I have decided to begin a daily photo challenge. I hope to take at least one photo a day, no particular subject, but something I feel will help me to appreciate the everyday me to see them in a different light so to speak. This snapshot of my keyring discloses the places that I frequent the most. I am delighted that not only are the keys to my abode, and my vehicle on this keyring, but more importantly, the key to the church. When I take time to think about this, I am reminded that not only is it a place that I find solace and sanctuary, but others trust me to hold this key.....not a treasure to be taken lightly. So far, this challenge is working as planned.
daily photo challenge,
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Shattered Lives Scrapbooking Charity Crop declared a Success
Click on the link below to see a newspaper article written about the Charity Scrapbooking Fundraiser Event
Shattered Lives fundraiser a success Eastex Advocate News Houston Community Newspapers Online - News Around Town
Shattered Lives fundraiser a success Eastex Advocate News Houston Community Newspapers Online - News Around Town
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
For all Scrapbookers far and wide, mark your calendars for Feb. 27th 9 am - 9 pm. I am hosting the scrapbooking event of the season. Twelve whole hours of non-stop creating fun, including prizes, a chinese auction, and food! As if that wasn't good enough all by itself, all the money raised will benefit the Shattered Lives program being hosted by the Sheriff's Office and Coldspring High School.
The event will be held at CHS cafeteria on Feb. 27th from 9am to 9pm. Registration is $40. If you pre-register by Feb. 14th you can reserve your seat and meals for $35. Also, raffle tickets will be on sale, 1 for $1, 6 for $5, and an arm length for $10.
Check back often for more information!
The event will be held at CHS cafeteria on Feb. 27th from 9am to 9pm. Registration is $40. If you pre-register by Feb. 14th you can reserve your seat and meals for $35. Also, raffle tickets will be on sale, 1 for $1, 6 for $5, and an arm length for $10.
Check back often for more information!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
cropping for a cause
This past weekend I hosted the Camp'n Crop. We had such a blast. The ladies and I played scrapbooking games and ate some wonderful food. We had snacks to last the entire time, complete with smores, carmel apples, nuts, mints, pnut m&ms, skittles, and the list goes on. I managed to get about 8 pages completed, which I consider remarkable. We also had our technique class in which we learned how to use water color pencils and we did a technique called chalk popping. We had so much fun that I'm considering hosting another crop in January....I feel a frosted crop in the air. Stay tuned for further details.
I also may have the opportunity to host a crop that will benefit the shattered lives program. In case you've never heard about it, the shattered lives program is a program that focuses on showing the pain and devastation that comes as a result of drinking and driving. It is a very moving program. There are teens involved and it's live action with police, fire, and ems responding to a mock accident scene. It goes on to show the hospital and funeral scene. It's a real community effort. The parents of the involved teens acutally have to come up with a mock obituary. The grim reaper actually goes into a classroom and taps the teen and the teen is removed from the classroom and given instrutions to return to the class pretending as if they aren't really see how others respond to the news that their classmate has been killed in a drinking and driving accident. The whole purpose is to raise awareness about the consequences of the choices they make.
I also may have the opportunity to host a crop that will benefit the shattered lives program. In case you've never heard about it, the shattered lives program is a program that focuses on showing the pain and devastation that comes as a result of drinking and driving. It is a very moving program. There are teens involved and it's live action with police, fire, and ems responding to a mock accident scene. It goes on to show the hospital and funeral scene. It's a real community effort. The parents of the involved teens acutally have to come up with a mock obituary. The grim reaper actually goes into a classroom and taps the teen and the teen is removed from the classroom and given instrutions to return to the class pretending as if they aren't really see how others respond to the news that their classmate has been killed in a drinking and driving accident. The whole purpose is to raise awareness about the consequences of the choices they make.
shattered lives,
Monday, October 12, 2009
In the face of adversity

Yesterday, I attended my sister's baby shower. I got to visit with my beautiful nephews, both under a year old. I'll be taking pictures of them together soon. My newest nephew was born at 8lbs 4 ozs. I feel so blessed. My sister was diagnosed with Leukemia about 2 weeks before she learned she was pregnant with him. I know it's a miracle that he was born by all appearances 'healthy'. He will have to undergo some testing to make sure there wasn't any lasting side effects from the chemo that she took while she was pregnant. I am inspired by my sister's strength throughtout this whole trial. It amazes me that she can be faced with so much, and still keep a happy spirit about her. I know some days are harder than others, but she never complains. She is so kind, sometimes too kind, to the point that others take advantage of her. With all of the uncertainty in her life, I began to encourage her to scrapbook. I felt, and still do, that she should create her legacy, collect her thoughts and ideas, her dreams and aspirations, and her prayers and feelings, and compile them for her children in case the time comes that she won't be able to be there with them first hand. She could leave this gift and there would never be any doubt as to how much she loves her boys.
baby shower,
close to my heart,
random stamping,
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
No Greater Love
After posting about my new nephew, I was thinking about some cards I made. I recently designed this card for Christmas with the stamped image of Mary and baby Jesus on it. This was my first attempt at a non-traditional style card. I used a few different stamp sets and last years Christmas paper pack from Close to my Heart. I used liquid glass and some red rhinestones as well. All products were used from Close to my Heart line.

Monday, October 5, 2009
Our newest arrival making me an aunt again. Sad thing is, the hospital staff thought I was grandma...that was so not funny! We welcomed Angel Noel on October 4th at 2:44pm. He weighed in at 8lbs and 4ozs and he was 21 inches long. He truly is a miracle! His mom was diagnosed with Leukemia about 2 weeks before she learned she was pregnant with him. I prayed over them everyday, and I can think of a more fitting name for him. Both mom and baby are doing well! Praise the Lord!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
free free free
October is here and I am loving the fall weather! I am a feeling generous, so I have decided that anyone placing an order from my site by 12:oo am Midnight on Oct. 3rd will be entered into a drawing for a free Lvl 2 paper pack of your choice. For every $25 you spend before tax and shipping, you will get one ticket in the drawing. There are some great discounted deals available online only. Take a minute or two and check them out. Once you've place the order, come back here and leave a comment with the paper pack of your choice.
close to my heart,
random stamping,
Monday, September 28, 2009
Hi again ladies, it's me again, your friendly Close to my Heart Creative Advisor! I wanted to remind everyone about the upcoming Camp'n Crop on Oct. 16-17. Don't forget your registration is due on Oct. 1st. If you haven't gotten your payment to me yet, don't 'stew' on this to long....seats are disappearing quickly! Remember, I'm providing meals, snacks, and tea....and what camp out is complete without S'mores?...You'll have a chance to 'fish' for ideas and catch up with the latest buzz over the chirping cricut! We'll have give-aways that you're sure to love! There will be challenges and games to help you finish those pages....with no pesky mosquitos and no humidity to bother us....get busy packing your napsack and your tools...and don't forget to bring your pj's so you can settle in for an adventure filled cropping good time!
close to my heart,
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Close to my Heart
A group of us consultants got together today for a team meeting. We shared ideas and did a little creating. The top sellers were recognized. We welcomed new recruits and went over things we hope to accomplish soon. I am super excited that I am hosting my first home gathering next month....I feel like it's going to be the first of many to come! After the meeting today, the girls and I cropped for a few hours. They really enjoy creating pages...and I'm going to have to restock their inventory really soon. Next spring, I hope to plan a junior crop, but for now I am currently planning for the gathering, another technique class and the upcoming camp'n crop. The camp'n crop is going to be a mini-retreat of sorts. Games, prizes, decoration, ideas, and lots of fun, fun, fun...and energy too!
close to my heart,
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
a Blazing Trail
With my recent promotion to Creative Advisor for Close to my Heart I became a supervisor as well. I signed a new recruit on Friday and I am so thrilled that she has already signed her first recruit. What this means for me is that I am going to be scrapbooking and cropping more often now. Not only do I teach others how to scrapbook and stamp, but I also sell the best scrapbooking and stamping products on the market. You'll have to see it to believe it, and when you're ready to check it out...drop me a line!
close to my heart,
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Altered Workshops

Yesterday was my first scrapbooking technique class. It was a big success. We have 6 ladies in
our group that have committed to learning a new technique every month. We learned how to heat emboss as well as how to use a baby wipe in our stamping. I wish I had thought to take pictures of some of their creations...maybe next time. After the class was finished, we hung out and cropped the day away. It was such a blast, but also very exhausting.
Next month, I am hosting a camping themed crop. We will enjoy 36 hours of creativity. Currently I am planning a clock making workshop and an acrylic frame workshop. Both of these items are great for gift giving. I'll post more information as soon as I get the date set. I will also try to post more pictures of the projects that I have planned.
close to my heart,
paper crafting,
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