Wednesday, June 25, 2014

I'm not that mom...

I’m not that mom that sat rocking my newborn to sleep because I was too exhausted and I wanted the crying to stop.
I’m not that mom who kissed boo-boo’s because I get the heebie-jeebies’ when I see an open wound.
I’m not that mom who calmly cleans up the spilled milk or the bowl of cereal because I don’t like messes.
I’m not that mom who played and splashed the bath water in the tub because I was usually working at bedtime.
I’m not that mom who read stories and tucked them in at bedtime because I didn’t think to do it.
I’m not that mom that responds softly after being ignored several times because I can’t tolerate rudeness or disrespect.
I’m not that mom who slaves over a hot stove to cook homemade dinners every night because dad is better at it.
I’m not that mom who does the chores like laundry and dishes because I want my kids to know how to do it for themselves.
I’m not that mom who shops for the coolest, latest, and greatest whatever it is because I don’t think it’s a necessity for kids.
I’m not that mom that will shut up and leave you alone because solitude leads to bitterness and trouble.

But, I AM that mom that

Prays that you know God
Creates memories w/you
gives you opportunities 
is proud of you
enjoys traveling with you 
supports your efforts
tries to laugh with you 
yells loudly from the stands
helps you succeed 
disciplines you
becomes a bear when others hurts you 
defends you
hopes you choose right over wrong 
photographs everything
worries that I’m a good enough mom 
stalks your online activity
will embarrass you 
couldn’t live without you

All because I LOVE YOU!

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