With almost a decade of professional shooting behind me, I've decided to finally sell my work online. Visit my website
here. I chose the name
Pixarazzi because it is the smashing together of pixels and paparazzi. Photography has always been a passion of mine. I can't remember a time that I was taking pictures of something, but thank heavens, my skill has improved. Pictures can tell a story that sometimes words just can't express and sometimes a picture needs an explanation. I think that is why scrapbooking is also so appealing to me. I feel creativity is the gift I've been given from above. I'm trying to use this gift in a way that will bless my family and perhaps others along the way. I would love to be able to take my family to Disney World in the summer of 2014! Shooting pictures is my focused effort to do just that. Stop by the sight, leave some feedback, or view and purchase pictures, you'll be glad you did.
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