God, Family, Photography, Scrapbooking, Cardmaking, Stamping, Paper Crafting...Life's not about waiting for the storms to pass; it's about learning to Dance in the Rain!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
God on the mountain
To everything there is a season:
If there is one thing life has taught me, it's that to everything there is a season. Although hard at times, if I hang on to that thought, it reminds me that this (whatever this is) to, shall pass. The change of seasons can be a good thing and that's just the case this time for me. After 10 years, I am finally going back to school. I can't say that I've ever really seen myself here, but it's happening. In 4 short days, I start classes to become a sign language interpreter. If you would have told me that as little as two months ago, I doubt I would have believed it. I tried once about 8 years ago to go back to school, but baby number 2 was born on the first day of school, so that didn't happen. Since that time, I have been busy running the rat race of life just trying to survive. One night about 5 weeks ago, I stumbled across a website that got me to thinking about going back to school. So in a fluke, I applied for financial aid, and registered for my classes. The whole time I had this sense of hesitation, like I really shouldn't get my hopes up, but I just went on through the process anyway. Figuring that I wasn't going to get enough grant money to cover my classes, let alone my books or fuel (how ridiculously high they both are). Then one afternoon, everything seem to fall into place. My financial aid went through. That was the first sign that this might actually happen. Then reality set in and dh began to ask me how I planned on making it back and forth. We already live from paycheck to paycheck. In that moment a calmness came over me that can only be described as God himself. I explained to my husband that I didn't know, that I honestly didn't have a clue; but that I felt that God would provide. And if He didn't, then perhaps it wasn't time yet. My husband left it at that. The next day, I received a notice in the mail stating that I had unemployment income available for a certain number of weeks. Now you have to understand, I haven't been receiving unemployment since last year sometime and the amount that I will be getting will exactly cover my fuel expenses until my vehicle note is paid in full. But it gets better. A dear friend learned that my printer was not working anymore and she gave me one to replace mine with. She said she had just bought a new one and she no longer needed them both. I am not a cryer, but I wept with joy.
Thursday, August 7, 2008

It's the time of year again for football. While I am not big on all the hype about Pro football, I love to watch a hearty high school game in person. For ten years now, our family has hardly missed a game. I don't expect any less from this season. So, as I am so in the spirit of this season, I decided I would host a football themed crop. A crop where you can tackle those photos and score a touchdown as you cross the goal line with finished pages.
Friday, July 25, 2008
We had a blast on our vacation, my only regret is that it was over way to soon. We were gone nine days in all, but when you are blessed with the goodness of God's hand, you just don't want to leave it.
As soon as we returned I began working on VBS stuff. I'll save that for another entry. For now I want to share a little from my travel journal with you.
We made it to the park about 5:30 pm CST. We stopped at Wal-mart in Broomfield on our way to the park to buy food and other things that we needed for our stay. We got the tent and the canopy set up shortly after arrival. Upon entrance to the campsites, we saw 2 bull elk drinking from the brook. While the tent and canopy were being set up, an elk was close enough to our campsite that the kids and I walked up to it within 20 feet. It was the first of many elk and other animals that we saw while here at the park. While driving down the road, we had to stop to allow 3 mountain goats to clear the roadway, and another time we just missed some elk that had crossed the road ahead of us. We have seen mule deer, and been close enough to feed a chipmunk. We have enjoyed seeing the various wildlife that are indigenous to this area.
I think my favorite part though has been the view. It is amazing and breathtaking. I try to capture it's beauty with my camera, but I just don't think a picture can really do justice to what the eye can see in this case. I love the sound of the nearby rushing water. While in the tent at night, it is especially soothing to fall asleep by.
On the first full day we were here, we went for a drive around the park. Last time, we only drove to the hiking trail heads. But this year, we decided we would see what else was around here. As you drive along the road, you gradually increase in elevation. You get to a point where you are atop the mountains and you can look down into the valleys. It can be a scary drive if you let it. There are no room for driving mistakes. Most of the roads are on the edges of the mountains, yielding a wonderful view, but dangerous drive. There are several areas along the roads that you can pull off, park, and just take it all in. We stopped on the side of the road in one place where the snow was higher than the van on one side of the road and the terrain was green on the other side.
Continuing on a little further, we pulled off at Forest Canyon and we were able to play in the snow. The kids built a tiny snowman. They had snowball fights, and we all enjoyed a little laugh at papa's expense. He stepped out into the snow, lost his balance, and went down face first up to his shoulders into the snow. It was only funny because he wasn't hurt, and his reaction would have even made a humorless person laugh.
After enjoying some of the scenery, we came back to the campsite and ate. The kids were out playing in the empty field area next to the campsite when the Park Rangers asked them if they wanted to be Junior Rangers. They gave the kids an information booklet that includes the instructions for obtaining a Junior Ranger badge. I went over the park rules and some of the things they had to do in order to earn their badge.
Needing to do a little laundry and to take a shower, we decided to drive down into Estes Park to a laundromat. We washed clothes and took showers (at the same place). Then we went into Loveland, to Wal-mart, for some things that we had forgotten. We made it back to the campsite at nearly dark. The kids had just enough time to write about the events of the day in there trip journals.
On Wednesday, we had pigs in a blanket for breakfast. A little charred on the bottom, but still edible. As soon as breakfast was over, Gary put on a stew in the dutch oven. Papa sat with it while Gary, the kids and I played. We tried to teach them to jump rope. They lack a good bit of coordination. I'm still not sure that they ever figured it out really. Then we got the flyer (fancy frisbee) out and tossed it back and forth to each other. At one point, I took the kite out and put it together and then flew it for a little while. I guess the kids are still a little to young to grasp just how to fly a kite. It was the first time I had ever flown one, and I really didn't know how to teach them to fly it. One of the kids went and got the ball so that we could play kick ball, but it started raining. That's when I decided to take this moment and record some of the memories from the trip so far. Currently, I have taken 420 photographs since we crossed the Colorado border.
This is only a portion of our trip. There was no internet connection there, so I just saved it into a file and added to it as I could. I ended up with over 1,000 photos in all for the whole trip. Some of them are very similar to each other. I have decided that I am going to have to create a book for this trip alone, and just take a few of the highlights and add them to our annual scrapbook album. I may post a photo here periodically from our vacation, so check back often.
As soon as we returned I began working on VBS stuff. I'll save that for another entry. For now I want to share a little from my travel journal with you.
We made it to the park about 5:30 pm CST. We stopped at Wal-mart in Broomfield on our way to the park to buy food and other things that we needed for our stay. We got the tent and the canopy set up shortly after arrival. Upon entrance to the campsites, we saw 2 bull elk drinking from the brook. While the tent and canopy were being set up, an elk was close enough to our campsite that the kids and I walked up to it within 20 feet. It was the first of many elk and other animals that we saw while here at the park. While driving down the road, we had to stop to allow 3 mountain goats to clear the roadway, and another time we just missed some elk that had crossed the road ahead of us. We have seen mule deer, and been close enough to feed a chipmunk. We have enjoyed seeing the various wildlife that are indigenous to this area.
I think my favorite part though has been the view. It is amazing and breathtaking. I try to capture it's beauty with my camera, but I just don't think a picture can really do justice to what the eye can see in this case. I love the sound of the nearby rushing water. While in the tent at night, it is especially soothing to fall asleep by.
On the first full day we were here, we went for a drive around the park. Last time, we only drove to the hiking trail heads. But this year, we decided we would see what else was around here. As you drive along the road, you gradually increase in elevation. You get to a point where you are atop the mountains and you can look down into the valleys. It can be a scary drive if you let it. There are no room for driving mistakes. Most of the roads are on the edges of the mountains, yielding a wonderful view, but dangerous drive. There are several areas along the roads that you can pull off, park, and just take it all in. We stopped on the side of the road in one place where the snow was higher than the van on one side of the road and the terrain was green on the other side.
Continuing on a little further, we pulled off at Forest Canyon and we were able to play in the snow. The kids built a tiny snowman. They had snowball fights, and we all enjoyed a little laugh at papa's expense. He stepped out into the snow, lost his balance, and went down face first up to his shoulders into the snow. It was only funny because he wasn't hurt, and his reaction would have even made a humorless person laugh.
After enjoying some of the scenery, we came back to the campsite and ate. The kids were out playing in the empty field area next to the campsite when the Park Rangers asked them if they wanted to be Junior Rangers. They gave the kids an information booklet that includes the instructions for obtaining a Junior Ranger badge. I went over the park rules and some of the things they had to do in order to earn their badge.
Needing to do a little laundry and to take a shower, we decided to drive down into Estes Park to a laundromat. We washed clothes and took showers (at the same place). Then we went into Loveland, to Wal-mart, for some things that we had forgotten. We made it back to the campsite at nearly dark. The kids had just enough time to write about the events of the day in there trip journals.
On Wednesday, we had pigs in a blanket for breakfast. A little charred on the bottom, but still edible. As soon as breakfast was over, Gary put on a stew in the dutch oven. Papa sat with it while Gary, the kids and I played. We tried to teach them to jump rope. They lack a good bit of coordination. I'm still not sure that they ever figured it out really. Then we got the flyer (fancy frisbee) out and tossed it back and forth to each other. At one point, I took the kite out and put it together and then flew it for a little while. I guess the kids are still a little to young to grasp just how to fly a kite. It was the first time I had ever flown one, and I really didn't know how to teach them to fly it. One of the kids went and got the ball so that we could play kick ball, but it started raining. That's when I decided to take this moment and record some of the memories from the trip so far. Currently, I have taken 420 photographs since we crossed the Colorado border.
This is only a portion of our trip. There was no internet connection there, so I just saved it into a file and added to it as I could. I ended up with over 1,000 photos in all for the whole trip. Some of them are very similar to each other. I have decided that I am going to have to create a book for this trip alone, and just take a few of the highlights and add them to our annual scrapbook album. I may post a photo here periodically from our vacation, so check back often.
Monday, June 16, 2008
I don't believe we are in Kansas anymore Toto!
My goodness, what a looooong drive it was across Kansas. At over 415 miles of small valleys and lots and lots of flat land, we finally crossed the border into Colorado sometime after midnight CST (even though we crossed time zones about 20 miles or so from the CO border).
We stopped at a church just North of Springfield, MO yesterday on our way out of town. Since we are from the Lone Star State, we went to the Lone Star Baptist Church. It was a bigger church than our home church, but the people were very welcoming. I felt as comfortable there as I would on the pew at New Hope. The preacher brought a message from Genesis 3 about Adam and Eve and the Garden. It was titled the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.
We were back on the road headed for Colorado at about 12:45 (after church). We stopped at a cheese store where there were free samples. Dakota had a blast, I think she thought it was an all you could eat cheese buffet. Back on the road again, we eventually made it to Kansas. I wasn't able to get a picture of the welcome sign because it was at the side of a major highway interchange in Kansas City. So I got a picture of the exit sign instead. We stopped in Wamego, KS and went to the Wizard of OZ museum. I didn't realize, but the kids didn't really understand what they were seeing. I didn't know that they hadn't already seen the movie. So I guess that is something I will see if we can do this summer.
We stayed in an old model motel in Limon, CO. It had a normal door knob with a key instead of a magnetic card entry. It was a nice large room and it had a small refrigerator. We paid less for this one than any of the others we stayed in.
I'm off for now, hopefully to post again not to long from now.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
On the road again!
Originally we planned on leaving this afternoon to head to Colorado by way of New Mexico for our vacation. But sometimes you never know what to expect with us. Wednesday afternoon we decided to go to Colorado by way of Graceland. Yep, the one in Memphis, TN. So we started out Friday morning from home (in TX) and headed toward Memphis, stopping often along the way.
Let me just ask you, have you ever traveled any distance with 3 very energetic children. There is only so much sitting that a body and mind can take, and it's even less in kids. They say some of the funniest things. They notice things on the roadside that only a child would see. They perceive things so much differently than us adults. And I must add the inevitable question, "ARE WE THERE YET?" or the way they rephrase it when threatened of uttering those words again. My favorite, "How much farther?" like they have any real sense of distance at this age.
So, back to our itenerary. We really planned just to take it easy and have a good time. We can't check in to our campsite in Rocky Mountain National Park until Monday afternoon. That gives us the weekend to leisurely drive (and stop) across part of this great country. We stopped in Hot Springs, AR on Friday and visited the mountain tower. The kids were excited, but it was short lived. "Ok, we've seen it, can we go now!" We stayed in West Memphis, AR that night, and then Saturday we set out for Graceland. Now Gary and I had made this trip on our honeymoon 10 years ago, but things and places change, and I think we enjoyed it as much this time if not more because the kids were here with us. After seeing everything at Graceland, we turned back and headed toward Colorado. We stopped on the Mammoth Springs, on the border of Arkansas and Missouri, at a little park and took pictures in front of a very forceful and beautiful waterfall. It was amazing at the temperature difference. On the bank of the water source, it must have been 15 degrees cooler than it was 10 feet away from the edge. It was breath-takingly beautiful, and the sound of the rushing water is something I could listen to for hours. .JPG)
Here it is, Sunday morning. I sit here in the motel, in Springfield, MO, journaling our trip on my blog. Everyone is still sleeping. I guess this is a vacation in and of itself. I don't normally get up before day-break, but I saw the sunrise this morning (ok, even if it was only through the curtain). It feels funny not being at home for church today, but we will stop somewhere along the way to worship. I was searching for a church to visit, but felt like maybe we should let God lead us where he wants us this morning.
Our plans are to continue toward Independece, MO. and then across Kansas into Colorado. I don't know how many more sights we will see, but I think the scenery has been great so far.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Mission Accomplished
I set out to enter the Scrapbooker of the Year contest through Creating Keepsakes Magazine. With everything that has been going on lately, I pushed it to the back burner. I had it in my mind that I had until May 29 to postmark my entry. After reading the contest requirements again, I suddenly realized it had to be in their hands by the 29th. I went into panic mode. How was I possibly going to finish everything and get it there in time. I faced one issue after another. First, I didn't have enough projects for entry. Once I completed that, I had to list all the products and techniques listed in each individual project. That became an increasinly difficult task because I don't keep a running list. So on the projects that I already had completed, I had to figure out what supplies were used. After compiling a detailed list, I had to get all the information onto the computer so that I could put my portfolio together. This is where I began to try to figure out how I was going to get my 12x12 pages into digital format without loosing the quality of my work. Following much deliberation, a few tantrums, and a little ranting and raving, I realized my only option was to photograph them. Let me just add, the lighting indoors is horrible, the heat and mosquitos outside were even worse. Finally, with all my projects photographed, it was time to combine the supply lists and the projects. I can't begin to tell you how many times I nearly gave up. I think my computer was suffering from overload as much as I was. It became very sluggish and I had to reboot a few times. Perservering through it, I continued until I had everything ready to print. I wanted high-quality prints to insure that the extreme effort that has been put into this whole entry wasn't diminished by the look of a home printer. With only hours left, I phoned Office depot to find out how late they were open. Sigh, finally some good news. I had time to make it there and get the prints I needed before they closed and they were on sale. Not realizing that one Office Depot was different from another, I ran to Hunstville instead of Conroe only to learn that they closed at 6 pm. Two and a half hours before I arrived and now there was not enough time to make it to Conroe before they closed. In a panic, I didn't know what else to do. I put all this effort into this, meeting opposition from every angle it seemed. Sick at my stomach by this time because I felt like I was out of options, Gary decided to call Conroe and see if Kinkos was still open. By a miracle, they stayed open until 10pm. So, we head to Conroe, arriving at Kinkos at 9:30 or so. Simply greatful that they are still open, I approached the clerk for assistance. She informs me that the files are in the wrong format, and that she will have to charge me $2.50 per file to open them plus $.49 a print. I've had about as much as one person can stand. How much more am I expected to take. I have worked so hard, but I just couldn't waste the money. How could I justify spending that for the click of a mouse. I suppose at this point the clerk sees my frustration and lets me in on the fact that I can use the self serve computer for $12 an hour and print them myself for $1 a print. I take that option, but with so much emotional turmoil going on inside, I printed the first set in black and white, so I wasted that money and time. I couldn't take it anymore. The tears dripped out. With one last effort, I tried to get it right this time. Finally, there I had it, almost $30 later. I went to the post office first thing this morning and sent it out overnight mail for an additional $20. So, the lesson here is, don't procrastinate, IT COSTS!!!!!!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Where does the time go?
I can't believe it has been 2 months since I have even been around to update my blog. I have been busy with close to my heart and scrapbooking. I had my greatest month so far in April. I would so love to earn the trip to New Zealand. Who knows, it just might happen. I started scrapping with the senior citizens, but we've had to postpone until the fall. I've also started listing some of my work on etsy to sell. Check it out at I only have 3 items listed so far, but I am sure I will have more in the near future. I have also spent the last month or so working on our ladies night out for church. Our theme was sparkle for Jesus and our verse was Isaiah 43:4. I will have to come back and post the devotional I brought. I couldn't have done it without the wonderful help and support of other certain ladies. They know who they are. I was able to use alot of my paper crafting talents for the event. In other news, I have been asked to consider taking the position of Historian for our district WMA chapter and to become an adult leader for our local 4-H chapter. I am in prayer about these things. I love to be involved and feel important, but I don't want to be to b.u.s.y. With summer fast approaching, I think the kids would really enjoy 4-H. I have been wanting to get piano lessons for the kids for some time now, and I am praying for God to open a door and make that happen. Next month, we embark on our family vacation. Originally, we were heading for Tennessee, but somewhere along the line, things changed, and we are going back to Colorado. I didn't really think I would be excited to go back to the same places we've already been, but I really think I am. I think we may have cheated ourselves last time. We didn't stay as long as we had planned, and there wasn't really any snow. This time, there should still be snow on the ground, and we are planning a 7-day stay. We purchased a larger tent, and have been getting things in order for this time. In the way of birthdays this month, we simply went out to Incredible Pizza, watched movies and played in the arcade for Mason's bday and we had a small family fish-fry for Gary. Gary had ACO school this week, and he wanted me to go with him. So, I stayed in the hotel and scrapbooked and played on the computer while he was in class, and we just enjoyed each others company without the interruption of children. The stayed with Papa, and experienced life without mom and dad for a week. They did well, but by today, we were all ready to be reunited again. We made it back, safe and sound, without incidents. I guess that catches things up. Hopefully, it won't be 2 months before I get back on here.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
She's growing up!
She lost her first tooth today. Can I just say that this makes me a little sad. I am not ready for her to grow up yet. Losing her tooth is just one more thing that confirms she is growing up. It all seems to have happened so fast. Where did my tiny little "Coda" go? Where is the little girl who was so small that people were amazed when she began walking, thinking she was to young to walk because of her size. It's official, my baby isn't a baby anymore....but you know what, she came to me and said "Even when I'm a teenager mommy, I'll still be your baby!" She still has a way of melting my heart even if she is growing up.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Help me tell their story!
For some time now I have been seeking God's guidance and direction in regards to how I could honor and glorify Him using my talents. After the recent passing of my niece, I was asked to create a scrapbook for her mom. Until that time, I really hadn't realized just how important a legacy I was involved in. I have been scrapbooking for 9 years now. With the pieces being revealed to me a little at a time, the picture is starting to form. I see how I can use my talents now. I am starting a Nursing Home Ministry. The plans are to seek out the stories of the elders before they leave this world. It's common knowledge that most people in a nursing home are on a limited budget and are most likely there because they can no longer care for themselves. I am seeking donations or contributions for scrapbook supplies for this ministry. I have been in touch with several major scrapbook manufacturers, and of the ones that have replied, none are able or willing to donate. But I am not going to let that stop me. I have posted a thread on and on and a few of the ladies there have been so kind and gracious as to donate from there personal supplies. May God bless them for there efforts. With plans to visit at least monthly, those supplies won't last forever. I know that God will supply according to His riches in His time, even if that means I am only able to sit down with a spiral notebook and write their stories as the tell me.
If you want to assist with this ministry, contact me and I will send you the necessary information, and if you aren't sure how you can contribute, simply PRAY for this ministry.
If you want to assist with this ministry, contact me and I will send you the necessary information, and if you aren't sure how you can contribute, simply PRAY for this ministry.
nursing home,
Monday, January 28, 2008
Hand-picked for the Master's bouquet!
This is a photo of my niece that passed today. She is 2 in the photo, but her features haven't changed since. She went home to be with the Lord. It is bittersweet. I am sad that I won't see her anymore, and I can only imagine what her mother must be feeling at this time of great loss, but I take comfort in knowing that she is in heaven, frolicking like little girls do as she crawls up in God's lap and says "It's beautiful here, I am so glad to be here." I picture here asking God to take away mommy's sadness.
At about 3 weeks old, she was diagnosed with myoclonicendocephalopothy, basically a seziure disorder. The doctors told us that she would not live beyond 2 years and that she would always be in a vegetative state. We have been blessed with her for 4 1/2 years in all.
After her diagnosis, I wrote a poem that I would read when this day came. Even though she was disabled, and we knew this day would come, you just can't prepare yourself for what you have to face.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Not so Redneck after all
I did this bridal photo shoot today. I loaded the photos and then began looking through them, and I was surprised at myself. I am shocked that I actually took the pictures. I mean, they look like some expensive professional photographer took them. I have been professionally taking pictures now for about 3.5 years, but I mostly do families, kids, and seniors...I haven't really ever done much in the way of glamour.
More than feeling good about my work, I am just so pleased to have had such a wonderfully pleasing shoot. I mean, lots of times, folks want things so perfect that they stress over every little detail. and that stress, stresses me out. This bride was perfect. She was sweet, and easy-going, very down to earth. If all photo shoots were that easy, I might be inclined to do them more often. Truth is, I am nervous every time I have a new client. I worry if they will be pleased, or will I be able to accommodate their needs or wants. I so did not have that worry today. Look at the results:
More than feeling good about my work, I am just so pleased to have had such a wonderfully pleasing shoot. I mean, lots of times, folks want things so perfect that they stress over every little detail. and that stress, stresses me out. This bride was perfect. She was sweet, and easy-going, very down to earth. If all photo shoots were that easy, I might be inclined to do them more often. Truth is, I am nervous every time I have a new client. I worry if they will be pleased, or will I be able to accommodate their needs or wants. I so did not have that worry today. Look at the results:
Friday, January 11, 2008
the Lighthouse
Wednesday night, we attended a gospel concert performed by the FAITHFUL QUARTET at Pine Grove Baptist Church. They sang beautifully, but the greatest victory was the one soul that came to know JESUS. How glorious an occasion for this man to turn his life of to Jesus. Afterwards, we enjoyed good old-fashioned Christian fellowship. Of course there was food. Thursday night we went to Mimms Baptist Church in Conroe for their annual bible conference. This was the 2nd year we have been able to go, and I tell you...the music and the messages are so wonderful and God-filled, that you can't help but to be on fire for the Lord. Like a lighthouse, you want to be a shining light for others that they might see Jesus in you. Brother Herb Reavis was one of the two preachers tonight, and he delivered a message so powerful, and so honest. You can see Jesus oozing out of his poors. I pray that all christians would be like that. I want to reek of Jesus. I want to be like a lighthouse, so that others can see Jesus in me.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
One Word
I was on Tallyscrapper looking at all the art journals and this months prompt for the journal entry is one word. What one word are you? What one word do you aspire to be? Give us you in one word. Someones one word was confidence, and anothers was willpower. Someone else's was free and yet another person's is strength. This got me to thinking...what would my one word be. After careful consideration, I decided my one word would be JESUS. I want to be like Jesus. I want Jesus to be what others see in me. But more than that, I want Jesus to be the center or my life. I want Jesus to be the controlling force in my life. I want to let go of the little things and hand them over to Jesus. I trust Jesus with the big things, now I need to let Jesus have the little things. The little things are what chip away at my heart and soul a piece at a time. How come I haven't already surrendered those things to Jesus. How come I feel like Jesus has so much to do that He wouldn't have time for my little things. Jesus has to be Lord of all or He can't be Lord at all. The fact is, Jesus is Lord of all, wether or not we know or believe it. Beliving it or not doesn't change the facts.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Most people celebrate New Year by partying the new year in and then party on New Year's Day. Cabbage, black eye peas and cornbread is the holiday meal tradition. The old wives tale is that those foods will bring you good fortune for the year.
Well, I have never been one to go with the flow. I am always creating my own mold. Sometimes that is not so good, but most of the time its great. Last night, my family and I went to church and listened to a few messages and then fellowshipped with each other until 10:30 or so. I had plans of scrapping the new year in after we got back home, but the kids were still up. We decided to teach them how to play "UNO". A game that they should be able to understand and keep up with now that they all know thier colors and numbers. It was the funniest thing, at the end of our example round, Dakota was the first one to get down to one card. Before we started, we had explained that they would have to say "uno" when they got down to the one card or they would have to draw extra cards. She remembered that she was supposed to say it, but instead of uno she proudly proclaimed "bingo". We all laughed. I can begin to tell you how excited the kids were to make Gary and I draw cards or skip by us.
Today, we are preparing a feast. Although it is not the traditional one. Instead we are Bar-b-quing. The brisket and sausage are on the pit now, and the potatoes are being prepared for the potato salad. What bar-b-que meal would be complete without a glass of sweet iced tea.
Oh, I almost forgot. Resolutions are a common part of the new year celebration for most as well. I have really never been one to make resolutions. I don't really know why, I just haven't. I always hear people talk about how they make resolutions that are broken just about as fast as they are made. In a rebellious manner, I decided to gain 10 pounds. I figure that if the opposite of your resolution usually happens, then I was a shoe in to actually lose some weight this year.
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