Thursday, August 16, 2007

the first of many

This is the first of many pictures to come as a result of our vacation to Rocky Mt. National Park. This picture was taken as we were driving into Colorado at daybreak. We left on Sunday afternoon and arrived at the Colorado border at 6:00 am. As daybreak began, I snapped multiple photos just to see what I might get. I am so not a morning person, as in I don't get up very easily when its early. The thing is, I was still awake from the day before. We drove straight through, I drove while Gary slept, and then vice versa. He took over about 5:30 am, and I waited for the sun to come up before I took my naptime. I was so amazed at how beautiful the sunrise was. I can hardly believe I was able to capture just a smidgen of its beauty in this shot. Tell me, what do you think about it?

Saturday, August 11, 2007

They wrapped me in foil.

I was so excited to obtain these photos from mom. She gave me the negatives and I was able to have prints made from them. It is amazing to be able to look back at these pictures of my own infancy and see into a time that I can't even recall. I have always heard that a picture is worth a thousand words. Now I can see why. These pictures bring back memories of my own children. I have seen the same expressions on my babies faces before.
These photographs reveal to me something else as well. I can see my parents as a happy couple. Unfortunately, I can't remember my parents that way. What I do remember is a lot of fussing and arguing, and often physical altercations. It is pleasing to know that they were very much in love once upon a time.
Looking back over these pictures reminds me a story that my great-grandmother shared with me a couple of times before she passed away. I never got tired of her telling me how she saved my life when I was born. She would say to me, "Gina, you know when your moma was just about to have you she called me because I was the only one home. I rushed right over, and when I got there I realized that we didn't have time to wait on no Dr. to get there. Your moma was crying and fussing and I held you up and asked her, 'what are you crying for?' I have the baby right here. " She would go on to say that the first ambulance got lost, the second ambulance ran off in the ditch and I was born before the third ambulance showed up. I was born at home. Granny wrapped me in a blanket and then aluminum foil to keep me warm and the three of us waited for the third ambulance. Mom once showed me the scissors that were used to cut my umbilical cord. Apparently the paramedics dropped them on the floor while they were there and mom found them when returned home after having gone to the hospital. I wish that I could still hear granny tell me that story.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Boredom ~ an insult to one's self

The kids made me laugh when they came running into my room this morning and my son announced ..."Introducing the Dead Ballerina"...they had gotten into a suitcase of old costumes...I made the Q of hearts for dd a few years ago...I am always telling the kids they need to use their imaginations...they surprised me by doing so...this layout is the results of their imaginations....Boredom is an insult to ones self.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

proud to be a SAHM

I have been earning wages by working on one job or another since I was 16 years old. My very first job was a part-time janitor for the school district I attended. I left that job began working for our local grocery store and then I went on to work for several different convience stores. Just before my 19th birthday, I went to work for Continental Airlines. I felt like I was moving up in the world. I had a job I could be proud of and advance with. After two years, I met and married my dear husband. I felt it in our best interest at the time for me to quit. In light of the events of 9-11, I look back and think that was a wise decision. After only 3 months of being married, we discovered we were going to become parents. When my oldest child was born, I was able to be at home with him everyday. After a little while, I began feeling like I was missing something and after 6 months of being a parent, I decided it was time to go back to work. With only 3 hours of college, my options were slim. I lived in a rural area, so jobs weren't as plentiful as they had been around the city, and I didn't really want to go backwards from where I had been with my career already. The highest paying job even remotely close was with the Department of Criminal Justice. So, I went through the process and became a Correctional Officer (that's a politically correct way of saying Prison Guard). After a short time there, I discovered I was expecting blessing number two. During this pregnancy, I experienced much sickness and I quit for the sake of my unborn child. When she was about 3 months old, I went to work part time at a fabric store. I did a little of everything from customer service to stocking and cleaning. I felt as though I had more potential than that, so I went back to work for the DOC. When I discovered I was expecting blessing number three, I decided it was time for me to take on a clerical position. Even though it was a little less money, I could still work to help support our family and I wouldn't have to do such laborous work. It became increasingly difficult for both dear hubby and I to work full time and be able to maintain much of a family life with two small infants at home and one more on the way. I didn't feel as though I should have to quit (now I have learned how selfish that was on my part) at the time, so dear hubby became the domestic engineer. He continued doing that for the next four years. I on the other hand, went back to work after maternity leave. Two and a half years later, I decided to pursue a career in a field I had always dreamed of. Photography. I worked as a photographer for the next year and a half, I work for two different major portrait studio retailers. I felt that if I ever wanted to keep my love of photography, I had better get out before I grew to dislike it entirely. I simply did not like being forced to take the same pictures the same way all the time. I wanted more than that. So, when I left there I went back to a field that I had at least some expierence in. I became a telelcommunications operator for our local sheriff's office. I worked there and really enjoyed the job itself. It was very high-paced and rewarding in a sense that I could actually see my accomplishments after a days work. You must understand, it took me a while to see the political side to the job. When it began rearing its ugly head, I couldn't consciously continue to be a part of the drama. I had given above and beyond myself and I finally realized that if would never matter just how much I gave, they were going to take that and more from me. Once again, I left yet another job. Here I am four months into my job as a Stay at home Mom (SAHM) and I couldn't be happier. I don't know how long I will keep this job due to finances, but I can't think of anything else I would rather be doing. I never realized how much I missed and how rewarding (and yes trying, but what job isn't at times) that this job is. If I don't get to keep this job, I will learn to cope with that too, but I will always cherish and be proud of the time I have spent as a SAHM.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Artist Trading Card

This is an arstist trading card I created for a swap on The pattern paper on the back is from the floral tapestry line of close to my heart. On the front, I painted it and then place bubble wrap on the paint while it was still wet to give it texture. The front says: These things I hold {close to my heart} and when you flip it open to the inside it contains the things that are close to my heart. God, family, church, crafts, scrapbooking, reading, photography, internet, movies, friends, sleeping, rain, eating out, holidays, planning parties, being creative, traveling, and giving tallypoints to my secret sister.

Monday, August 6, 2007

the MEASURE of a MAN

Oh I say the measure of a man Is not how tall you stand How wealthy or intelligent you are' Cause I found out the measure of a man God knows and understand For He looks inside to the bottom of your heart And what's in the heart defines The measure of a man...this is the Chorus from "The Measure of a Man" by ~ 4Him...this photo reminds me of how He looks when he prays.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

WARNING ~ very graphic

I did this layout for a challenge at I was challenged to create a layout about my Passion. While I knew what my passion was, I had a little harder time deciding just how I was going to scrap it. I used scripture from Romans 3:10, 6:23, and 10:13. The photos were taken in San Antonio at the Wax Museum. They portray Jesus' life just before and after the resurrection.

Saturday, August 4, 2007


the journaling reads: WANTED for Stealing Hearts...CHARGED WITH bein' cute as a critter (easy to look at), grinnin' like 'possums (smiling), an' goin' hog wild (having a good time)...SENTENCED to a lifetime of smoochin' an' wallerin' (kisses and hugs)...REWARD can't gitta 'nuff for'em (priceless)

Friday, August 3, 2007


Isn't she simply adorable! My youngest dd at age 4.5 ... the journaling is about her and how she is turning into a little girl how she is no longer a toddler...daisy d's girl are from other source (started out yellow, I painted them a pretty metallic pink ...rose stickers are from sandy clough sticker them...have had them for a long time...and used them before, and used them again here....oh, I used a sketch from pagemaps...YOU HAVE CAPTURED MY HEART!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


It's not really a big secret, but this layout tells about something I have done for the First time ever! The journaling reads: This is the first time ever tat I have seen my side profile and not been uneasy about it. I have never been very pleased with the way I look. I don't really dwell on it, but I have never liked to see pictures of myself. This is on I don't mind seeing again. Title is from old sticker stock I have and flourishes are from ctmh. I rarely ever use solid white background paper as it reminds me of my creative memories days...but I have seen a few in the gallery lately, and decided to give this a shot. The photo was taken by my husband on our son's first grade field trip. I was sitting in the front seat talking to his teacher and he snapped it without me knowing. It's a little blurry, but I used it anyway.