Saturday, April 21, 2007

backspace isn't working

It's been a couple of weeks since I have posted. I have been busy tying up loose ends now that I am staying at home for a while. I have been scrapbooking quite a bit. Last time I counted, I had completed about 43 pages since March 17. I have really been trying to organize my scrap stuff somewhat better, so that I know what I have and where everything is. Been on TALLYSCRAPPER.COM a whole lot. It has been a great source of inspiration for my scrapping lately.

The girls are still playing t-ball....they win some, they lose some (or the team does rather). I have gotten so many pictures, I don't know if I can scrap them all, but I have a good selection of shots to pick from. The telephoto lens I purchased has helped get some great action shots from a good distance.

I need to get busy with Mason's birthday plans. It is 2 weeks from today and I have only thought about what we need to do. I need to decide wether or not we are going to have "ELVIS" or some other type birthday. I have scheduled Elvis, but not confirmed yet. I am somewhat reserved due to the cost. Perhaps we will come up with something great before its to late.

Thursday, April 5, 2007


Where do I start today? I wound up seperating from my job today. I am somewhat numb still from the shock. I have been pretty stressed about things lately, and it was time for a change. I feel like something wonderful lies ahead. Not sure what yet, but God will give me an opportunity when the time is right. For a few days at least, I am going to rest before I began a search for gainful employment.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Monday's mess

It doesn't appear that I am very good at keeping up with my blog. I have been so busy over the past few weeks. T-ball has us ripping and roaring. Last week alone we had 2 scrimages, plus opening ceremony and our first real game (astros sank the pirates 15 to 5). The 10- week bible study I had been attending ended this week. Plus we went to Church both Wednesday and Sunday. I felt bad because I missed the singing on Thursday night and the Concert on Saturday night. I am just so tired lately. I can't seem to keep up. Perhaps that's a sign that I am getting older. Shhhh don't tell! This week we have back to back games Monday and Tuesday at 7:30 pm. I don't mind playing, but that seems a little late to have T-ball players out. Starting that late means the game won't be over for at least an hour and a half. The rest of the week should fair better. At least until the weekend, since it is Easter. I am not sure yet what we will be doing, except at church. I'm running out of time so I must come back again later.