God, Family, Photography, Scrapbooking, Cardmaking, Stamping, Paper Crafting...Life's not about waiting for the storms to pass; it's about learning to Dance in the Rain!
Monday, December 31, 2007
scrappers block
So, I have been over at tallyscrapper.com during the cybercrop, and I have been smacked down with the scrapper's block...not because there isn't any inspiration....it's quite the contrary....you see, I see all of the great talent and I am just overwhelmed.....it kinda feels like stage fright...and the ladies there are so great...very encouraging too actually,....trying desparetly to help me lift this scrappers block.....I think its finally nudging....either that or we have chipped away at it enough until I was finally able to create something.....my new blog header......what do you think....do you hear the block cracking.....Thanks tallyscrappers for you help......check out the creativity of tallyworld for youself
Sunday, December 23, 2007
creative genius

Today was a rather good day. We had our Christmas play at church this evening. I wrote and directed the play this year. I am glad that others are finally noticing my talents and giving me the opportunity to use them. The idea of the creative genius actually comes from the tallyscrapper website. It is the subtitle under my username. It feels kinda nice, even if everyone else has the same subtitle. This has really been a great crafty year for me...I have completed over 200 scrapbook layouts, over 50 cards, more than a dozen altered items, including 4 paint cans. I have had lots of fun planning parties. We had movie night at the church and I used the decorations from Dakota's Movie theme birthday for it. We had a candy cane Christmas ladies party and I even brought the devotional and we exchanged homemade gifts as a result of a suggestion I made. I really enjoy that we went caroling for the first time ever. Words cannot express the joy that brings for both those participating and those receiving. Earlier this year, I hosted an Elvis concert live in our backyard for Mason's birthday. Alot of the decorations and the invitations and the food is all carefully planned and thought out to match the theme.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
round and round
Round and round we go, where we stop, nobody knows....Life is flying by...with so much going on, I barely have time to get online anymore. Between working at the school and now working at the picture studio, and with church activities and football season, and with my Close to my Heart business, and my creative extras that I am making (cards and altered paint cans..I have 2 orders pending right now) and planning the photography for a wedding in about 2.5 months...and the holidays quickly approaching....are you dizzy yet? I am, my head is spinning, barely within control. I hope it doesn't sound like I am complaining, because I really do enjoy the blissful chaos. It's a sign that life is in full swing, and that I am involved in making it all happen, that I am not just sitting back and letting it pass me by. This photo is from the fair and rodeo, but I think it is a very good indication of how my life is going on right now. Have you ever been there? (busy, I mean)
Friday, September 14, 2007
Days gone by....
My goodness, where has the time gone...it seems like it was just last week that I posted to my blog. I just looked at the date and realized it has been nearly a month. I have been so busy with school starting and doing some substituting. For the past 4 Saturday's, I have been doing something scrapbook related, 3 of them were shows for my Close to my Heart stuff. I have had an amazing month in sells. I hope to keep it up. I don't plan on getting rich, I just want to support my habit. My dh is telling me I need a 12-step program for my scrapbooking addiction. How funny is that? Seriously, I have had a blast, going and selling product, and being able to use the discount to purchase my own stuff. I created my first altered paint can. I made it into a "spirit can" to be filled with your hearts desire. I have taken orders for a few and I have placed and example in the office at the high school to sell some for the homecoming game. Kids always like to show their spirit during that time, especially if we have a winning team. This year has been proven to be an improvement. I have been so impressed with the simple fact that we haven't fumbled the ball yet. In the past we have been notorious for doing that very thing. I know that as sure as I say that we haven't, tonight we will.
My goodness, where has the time gone...it seems like it was just last week that I posted to my blog. I just looked at the date and realized it has been nearly a month. I have been so busy with school starting and doing some substituting. For the past 4 Saturday's, I have been doing something scrapbook related, 3 of them were shows for my Close to my Heart stuff. I have had an amazing month in sells. I hope to keep it up. I don't plan on getting rich, I just want to support my habit. My dh is telling me I need a 12-step program for my scrapbooking addiction. How funny is that? Seriously, I have had a blast, going and selling product, and being able to use the discount to purchase my own stuff. I created my first altered paint can. I made it into a "spirit can" to be filled with your hearts desire. I have taken orders for a few and I have placed and example in the office at the high school to sell some for the homecoming game. Kids always like to show their spirit during that time, especially if we have a winning team. This year has been proven to be an improvement. I have been so impressed with the simple fact that we haven't fumbled the ball yet. In the past we have been notorious for doing that very thing. I know that as sure as I say that we haven't, tonight we will.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
the first of many

This is the first of many pictures to come as a result of our vacation to Rocky Mt. National Park. This picture was taken as we were driving into Colorado at daybreak. We left on Sunday afternoon and arrived at the Colorado border at 6:00 am. As daybreak began, I snapped multiple photos just to see what I might get. I am so not a morning person, as in I don't get up very easily when its early. The thing is, I was still awake from the day before. We drove straight through, I drove while Gary slept, and then vice versa. He took over about 5:30 am, and I waited for the sun to come up before I took my naptime. I was so amazed at how beautiful the sunrise was. I can hardly believe I was able to capture just a smidgen of its beauty in this shot. Tell me, what do you think about it?
Saturday, August 11, 2007
They wrapped me in foil.

I was so excited to obtain these photos from mom. She gave me the negatives and I was able to have prints made from them. It is amazing to be able to look back at these pictures of my own infancy and see into a time that I can't even recall. I have always heard that a picture is worth a thousand words. Now I can see why. These pictures bring back memories of my own children. I have seen the same expressions on my babies faces before.
These photographs reveal to me something else as well. I can see my parents as a happy couple. Unfortunately, I can't remember my parents that way. What I do remember is a lot of fussing and arguing, and often physical altercations. It is pleasing to know that they were very much in love once upon a time.
Looking back over these pictures reminds me a story that my great-grandmother shared with me a couple of times before she passed away. I never got tired of her telling me how she saved my life when I was born. She would say to me, "Gina, you know when your moma was just about to have you she called me because I was the only one home. I rushed right over, and when I got there I realized that we didn't have time to wait on no Dr. to get there. Your moma was crying and fussing and I held you up and asked her, 'what are you crying for?' I have the baby right here. " She would go on to say that the first ambulance got lost, the second ambulance ran off in the ditch and I was born before the third ambulance showed up. I was born at home. Granny wrapped me in a blanket and then aluminum foil to keep me warm and the three of us waited for the third ambulance. Mom once showed me the scissors that were used to cut my umbilical cord. Apparently the paramedics dropped them on the floor while they were there and mom found them when returned home after having gone to the hospital. I wish that I could still hear granny tell me that story.
These photographs reveal to me something else as well. I can see my parents as a happy couple. Unfortunately, I can't remember my parents that way. What I do remember is a lot of fussing and arguing, and often physical altercations. It is pleasing to know that they were very much in love once upon a time.
Looking back over these pictures reminds me a story that my great-grandmother shared with me a couple of times before she passed away. I never got tired of her telling me how she saved my life when I was born. She would say to me, "Gina, you know when your moma was just about to have you she called me because I was the only one home. I rushed right over, and when I got there I realized that we didn't have time to wait on no Dr. to get there. Your moma was crying and fussing and I held you up and asked her, 'what are you crying for?' I have the baby right here. " She would go on to say that the first ambulance got lost, the second ambulance ran off in the ditch and I was born before the third ambulance showed up. I was born at home. Granny wrapped me in a blanket and then aluminum foil to keep me warm and the three of us waited for the third ambulance. Mom once showed me the scissors that were used to cut my umbilical cord. Apparently the paramedics dropped them on the floor while they were there and mom found them when returned home after having gone to the hospital. I wish that I could still hear granny tell me that story.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Boredom ~ an insult to one's self

The kids made me laugh when they came running into my room this morning and my son announced ..."Introducing the Dead Ballerina"...they had gotten into a suitcase of old costumes...I made the Q of hearts for dd a few years ago...I am always telling the kids they need to use their imaginations...they surprised me by doing so...this layout is the results of their imaginations....Boredom is an insult to ones self.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
proud to be a SAHM

I have been earning wages by working on one job or another since I was 16 years old. My very first job was a part-time janitor for the school district I attended. I left that job began working for our local grocery store and then I went on to work for several different convience stores. Just before my 19th birthday, I went to work for Continental Airlines. I felt like I was moving up in the world. I had a job I could be proud of and advance with. After two years, I met and married my dear husband. I felt it in our best interest at the time for me to quit. In light of the events of 9-11, I look back and think that was a wise decision. After only 3 months of being married, we discovered we were going to become parents. When my oldest child was born, I was able to be at home with him everyday. After a little while, I began feeling like I was missing something and after 6 months of being a parent, I decided it was time to go back to work. With only 3 hours of college, my options were slim. I lived in a rural area, so jobs weren't as plentiful as they had been around the city, and I didn't really want to go backwards from where I had been with my career already. The highest paying job even remotely close was with the Department of Criminal Justice. So, I went through the process and became a Correctional Officer (that's a politically correct way of saying Prison Guard). After a short time there, I discovered I was expecting blessing number two. During this pregnancy, I experienced much sickness and I quit for the sake of my unborn child. When she was about 3 months old, I went to work part time at a fabric store. I did a little of everything from customer service to stocking and cleaning. I felt as though I had more potential than that, so I went back to work for the DOC. When I discovered I was expecting blessing number three, I decided it was time for me to take on a clerical position. Even though it was a little less money, I could still work to help support our family and I wouldn't have to do such laborous work. It became increasingly difficult for both dear hubby and I to work full time and be able to maintain much of a family life with two small infants at home and one more on the way. I didn't feel as though I should have to quit (now I have learned how selfish that was on my part) at the time, so dear hubby became the domestic engineer. He continued doing that for the next four years. I on the other hand, went back to work after maternity leave. Two and a half years later, I decided to pursue a career in a field I had always dreamed of. Photography. I worked as a photographer for the next year and a half, I work for two different major portrait studio retailers. I felt that if I ever wanted to keep my love of photography, I had better get out before I grew to dislike it entirely. I simply did not like being forced to take the same pictures the same way all the time. I wanted more than that. So, when I left there I went back to a field that I had at least some expierence in. I became a telelcommunications operator for our local sheriff's office. I worked there and really enjoyed the job itself. It was very high-paced and rewarding in a sense that I could actually see my accomplishments after a days work. You must understand, it took me a while to see the political side to the job. When it began rearing its ugly head, I couldn't consciously continue to be a part of the drama. I had given above and beyond myself and I finally realized that if would never matter just how much I gave, they were going to take that and more from me. Once again, I left yet another job. Here I am four months into my job as a Stay at home Mom (SAHM) and I couldn't be happier. I don't know how long I will keep this job due to finances, but I can't think of anything else I would rather be doing. I never realized how much I missed and how rewarding (and yes trying, but what job isn't at times) that this job is. If I don't get to keep this job, I will learn to cope with that too, but I will always cherish and be proud of the time I have spent as a SAHM.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Artist Trading Card

This is an arstist trading card I created for a swap on TallyScrapper.com. The pattern paper on the back is from the floral tapestry line of close to my heart. On the front, I painted it and then place bubble wrap on the paint while it was still wet to give it texture. The front says: These things I hold {close to my heart} and when you flip it open to the inside it contains the things that are close to my heart. God, family, church, crafts, scrapbooking, reading, photography, internet, movies, friends, sleeping, rain, eating out, holidays, planning parties, being creative, traveling, and giving tallypoints to my secret sister.
Monday, August 6, 2007
the MEASURE of a MAN

Oh I say the measure of a man Is not how tall you stand How wealthy or intelligent you are' Cause I found out the measure of a man God knows and understand For He looks inside to the bottom of your heart And what's in the heart defines The measure of a man...this is the Chorus from "The Measure of a Man" by ~ 4Him...this photo reminds me of how He looks when he prays.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
WARNING ~ very graphic

I did this layout for a challenge at TallyScrapper.com. I was challenged to create a layout about my Passion. While I knew what my passion was, I had a little harder time deciding just how I was going to scrap it. I used scripture from Romans 3:10, 6:23, and 10:13. The photos were taken in San Antonio at the Wax Museum. They portray Jesus' life just before and after the resurrection.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Friday, August 3, 2007

Isn't she simply adorable! My youngest dd at age 4.5 ... the journaling is about her and how she is turning into a little girl how she is no longer a toddler...daisy d's girl kit..flowers are from other source (started out yellow, I painted them a pretty metallic pink ...rose stickers are from sandy clough sticker line...love them...have had them for a long time...and used them before, and used them again here....oh, I used a sketch from pagemaps...YOU HAVE CAPTURED MY HEART!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007

It's not really a big secret, but this layout tells about something I have done for the First time ever! The journaling reads: This is the first time ever tat I have seen my side profile and not been uneasy about it. I have never been very pleased with the way I look. I don't really dwell on it, but I have never liked to see pictures of myself. This is on I don't mind seeing again. Title is from old sticker stock I have and flourishes are from ctmh. I rarely ever use solid white background paper as it reminds me of my creative memories days...but I have seen a few in the gallery lately, and decided to give this a shot. The photo was taken by my husband on our son's first grade field trip. I was sitting in the front seat talking to his teacher and he snapped it without me knowing. It's a little blurry, but I used it anyway.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
HIGH on the HOG

Even though there is only one 4-wheeler here in the pictures, we actually own four of them. One belongs to papa, one to dad, one is mine, and the other belongs to you kids! In these pictures, you kids were test driving it...to see if you could handle it and to see how well you respected it! Owning four 4-wheelers and being able to ride and drive for yourselves, really seemed like you were living "HIGH on the HOG"! You might also say living in luxury.
Monday, July 30, 2007
I have been stumped lately. I have so many pictures and I just don't know which one to post. I guess for now I can just update the post and not include a picture. My sister wants me to take pictures of her and my nephew, so I will be doing that soon. I am waiting on an order from close to my heart to arrive. I ordered some more scrapbooking goodies (like I need anymore). I am also waiting on some books to arrive from amazon.com. I ordered four books that I can barely wait to begin reading. I accomplished a few pages over the last few days. Sometimes the creative juices flow, and other times the get stopped up. Maybe I'll post one of them tomorrow.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
"But she's only 6!"

When I gaze at this photo, I look at it and think "But she's only 6!" It looks as if someone has hit fastforward and with such somberness she looks like a teenager caught somewhere between childhood playfulness and adult responsibility. To tell you the truth, I am not sure why I took this shot. I think it was because she had her shades on. What I do know is that we were alone together (which is rare) and she was riding home from a crop with me. This is not really a common look for her as she is almost always smiling or giggling. I just want to hold on to this moment even after the time that my premonition passes.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
a piece of something BIGGER

As I have began to age, I have gained some clarity on things in life. I look at things differently now, compared to how I seen them at earlier stages in my life. I am quickly approaching the big 30. I heard something a few years back that has really stuck with me. It came during a period at New Hope Missionary Baptist Church when we were without pastoral leadership. We had a visiting preacher come and give a sermon. In the message he made an analogy about how the life on an individual is like a piece of a puzzle and how God was the puzzlemaster. He pointed out that a person may not be able to see teh whole picture until its complete and that you (or I) may be the piece that God is placing into its spot or you may be the piece laid over to the side upside down until God is ready to use you. Just because you are resting, that doesn't mean you are not important. One piece affects another and so on. Without you, the picture would be incomplete.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
she'll be 7 soon
It's hard for me to believe that it has been nearly 7 years since my first little girl was born. I remember the whole thing like it was just yesterday. It's funny how fast time flies...how you live each day one at a time and yet still somehow we don't see the time disappearing. Sometimes it's a little scary thinking about what the future might bring. About how blessed the passed time has been, with few bumps along the way. My prayer is that we continue to allow God to be the leader and allow his light to shine ahead on the path before us.
Monday, July 23, 2007
It's that time of year again

The time of year for our annual family photo. It has been a year since we had one taken. I have had such a hard time trying to decide how I want to do this years picture. I would really like to have an outdoor picture done of our family. But finding a photographer in this area to do outdoor portraits has been difficult. I don't need a million different poses, just a few poses of the family together. I have more pictures of the kids than I am able to shake a stick at. I am hoping that we get a good enough shot to make a poster print to put above a fireplace mantel when I have one. This photograph here was last years family picture. We were all dressed up like we were from the 50's. We had just had our family reunion a few weeks earlier, and we had had a 50's theme. So I thought it would be nice to have our family photo taken with a "twist" ... no pun intended.
Saturday, July 21, 2007

This layout is more about the story rather than the picture....The journaling reads: This is the real me. The me who goes to work, runs errands, attends church and hangs out around the house. This is not the me I take to meet new people or to see long lost friends. No, for those occasions, I pull out the hair straightner, put on make-up and jewelry, and perfume and don my best attire. I tell myself it's because I feel more confident and put together when I spend time getting ready, and that's partly true. But deep down, I know that I'm trying to make a good impression. Funny thing is, most people are comfortable with the pony-tail me. She's the one Gary fell in love with. She's the one my closest friends know bet. So why have I never liked her? Who knows the reason. Maybe it's because she's unpredictable and still learning who she is. Maybe she's a little too real. But things are changing. I'm learning to accept that she's not perfect, and I'm beginning to see her otential. Truth is, I think she's growing on me!.....I used a journaling boost from simple scrapbooks magazine...the hearts and flowers came from my secret sis...who ever she is....I painted one heart and highlighted some of the journaling...the part where "She's the one Gary fell in love with"....and I covered the other heart with pattern paper...The flowers across the top also came form my secret sis.....I don't take photos of myself often...this particular one is over 2 years old...that is my dear son in the photo with me...but there ya have it folks...THE REAL ME!
JESUS Walked on the Water

This week during VBS, one of the lessons was about how Peter had faith enough to step out of the boat and walk toward Jesus on the water. As Peter stepped out, he walked on the water only a few steps before he began to loose his focus on Jesus. As Peter began to sink, he cried out to the Lord, "Save me". We learned to put our faith in Jesus, and he would save us as well.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
huge success

This year's VBS is turning out to be a huge success. This was a group shot taken at the end of the first night. Everyone is having a great time, TAKING THE PLUNGE, and MAKING A SPLASH WITH JESUS! The children are learning the SPLASH POINT at almost every station they stop at and they are enjoying snacks and games and even crafts. Even now, they are beginning to sing the theme song when they here it. I appreciate all of the people who have stepped-up and helped this year. We have had an average of 5 visitors a night. God is so good. I am so thankful that God has allowed such a huge success. My heart is spilling over with joy.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007

This is one of the kids' favorite things to do. We were getting ready to go to a ball game, when we took the 4 wheelers out for a few minutes to run them a little. If they set up to much, its not to good for the mechanics of the engine.
This was the first time that the kids were allowed to ride without an adult on board. They did very well, I was afraid that they may not respect it enough. I was gladly surprised to see they did fine.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I took this picture back in February. I actually did an entire photo shoot of all the kids on the tracks. This one in particular happened to be one of my favorites from the shoot. This picture is unilateral. It makes you look forward to where you might go and backward to where you've been all at the same time. I am glad I am here to see him leaving tracks.
Sunday, July 15, 2007

I DOUBT I WILL EVER ...be skinny, be published in a magazine, own a frame house, make enough money, or have a good relationship with my sisters, BUT one thing I know for sure is that I am a child of the KING, and one day I will inherit HIS kingdom.
I did this layout for a challenge. It is a 6x6, which was part of the challenge. I had to create a layout in a different size than normal and to include some of my doubts. I could include a lot more of my doubts, but there isn't enough room for that.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
splash zone

Today we officially kicked off our Vacation Bible School with our Splash Zone pre-registration event. We had approximately 25 people in attendance. The children really enjoyed the new water-slide. After playing on it for quite a while, the kids played on the slip and slide and in the wading pool and the sprinkler. We even had a water balloon fight. At one point everyone aimed at the pastor until he was soaked. After playing on the water-slide some more, we then brought out the water guns, and the kids continued to have fun. All in all, I would say that everyone had a blast and we are so excited to be starting VBS on Monday.
This photograph was taken of Dakota on the new water-slide. The expression pictured here was mirrored in all the kids faces today. And it was an impossibility to not get wet today. Although I tried not to get wet, I ended up that way a little....but I didn't get soaked.
Friday, July 13, 2007
The Reason Why

Today's picture shows you the reason why I am so busy lately, and the big event itself is upon us now. Starting Saturday with our splash zone event VBS kick-off .... it is officially here...So I may be a little too busy to stop and post a picture a day, but I am going to make a noble effort to try to get it done.
Thursday, July 12, 2007

This is my pride and joy...although they are commonly referred to as chaos, mayhem, and trouble...in that order. This photo was taken back in March. We were on our way to New Salem Church just outside of Henderson, TX in the view of a call as pastor. The experience was great, but we both felt like that's not what God had in store for us. So, we are still seeking his will. Anyway, this is one of my recent favorite snapshots of the kids. I love the candidness displayed in this picture. The smiles on their faces are all natural. And believe you me when I tell you it is difficult to get a picture that they are all happy in at the same time. I can't tell you the number of times that I have tried to snap pictures of them and I have 2 perfect kids in 5 frames and in the 6th frame, when the 3rd child finally cooperates, one of the other 2 have finally grown weary....it happens that way nearly everytime.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Little Space, Lots of Time
Today's photo of choice is of my scrapbooking space. This is my area...and I must tell you, it is a restricted area....highly off limits to anyone of the opposite gender or to creatures under 5 foot tall. That means that my dear husband and my lovely children aren't allowed. Don't get me wrong, they are expected to stand on the other side of my table and ooh and awe over my "mad" creation when it reaches completion. Even though the space is small, I spend lots of time in it.
I have began teaching my kids how to scrapbook, but I am somewhat reserved in putting my all into it for them, I fear that they too will end up like me. When I am not in my space, I can be caught gandering about what I will be doing when I get back there. If by some rare coincidence I hit a creative block, I turn around to the computer and begin looking at other peoples work, or writitng. I have found that writing is pretty awesome. Most especially when it is free flowing. Sometimes it doesn't always make sense, and sometimes I have to rearrange the order of my toughts. But the amazing thing to me is that I have them recorded and if I scrapbook from my writing and use pictures to back it up, WOW! I end up with much more powerful layouts.
Speaking about scrapbooking though, I am really peeved by someone who pretends to show interest in it. You know the type I am talking about. They are the ones that will be flipping through the pages in your albums while holding a conversation with you and never actually looking at the page before they flip it. Now I have been around long enough to know that not everyone enjoys scrapbooking the way I do. Can I help it if they are mentally challenged in that way. They should come with some kind of warning label. One that says something like "I'm not interested!" Then I would know not to waste my time sharing my albums with them.
Really, I think the reason I scrapbook is for that dreadful day that the nest is empty. I want something tangible to put my hands on and look at that will keep the memories fresh and alive. Sure, its bound to bring tears to my eyes, looking back on days gone by, but I think it will keep me counting my blessings for things past, present, and future. One of my greatest fears is losing my memory. I truly believe, memories make us who we are. What we learn from them, guide us like the a compass and a map. Memories prepare us for what lies ahead.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Young Love

Today's photo is from one of my professional shoots. It is one of my favorite photographs because of the emotion that was captured int it. Who would have known that now, a little more than a year later, these two young people would promise themselves to each other for a lifetime. A young man of great patience, patience enough to wait two years to take her hand in marriage. A young lady of great morals, morals enough to save herself for that time. I think they both need our prayers to keep what love they have for each other forever. Our prayers to protect that love from worldly evils. When I look at this photo, I see so much more than two people in love. I see two people as easy going and laid back as a t-shirt and a nice comfy pair of jeans. I see two people who put each other ahead of themselves. I see two people, knowing that hard times will come, and also knowing they have each other and more importantly they have God. I know that if they continue to allow God to lead their lives...they will go on to do great things for Him. I have certainly been blessed by them both.
Monday, July 9, 2007
An Officer and a Gentleman

Interesting to think about it that way I guess. Dear hubby (Gary) is an Animal Control Officer, hence the officer part and well I will try to explain the gentleman part. You see, he is slow to anger and very considerate of me. The only thing he cares more about than me is God. He is hopelessy devoted to me. And honestly, I wouldn't want it any other way.
He surrendered to the ministry almost two years ago, and while we don't know exactly what God has in store for us yet, we are willing with open hearts. You see, Gary lacks self-confidence, except when he is ministering to others about Christ's plan. This photo here was taken only a month after he had surrendered. I will be the first to tell you, he had never worn anything other than jeans and a t-shirt until this time. He even wore jeans to our wedding. But in all fairness, I must tell you that he did wear a collared shirt and tie at our wedding. That photo is altoghether for another day. Other than how nice he looked in the suit, the thing I see in this picture is confidence. Perhaps tomorrows picture will show our pride and joy.
Sunday, July 8, 2007
a picture a day

Now that I know how to post photos on my blog, I would like to post a photo a day. One reason I want to do this is because it will help me make a post everyday. I will at least have to tell you about the photo at minimum. So today's picture is going to be one of my most recent photos of me. Enjoy it, because I spend 98% of my time behind the camera. That means there aren't many photos of me. I really, really, really dig scrapbooking, and everything that comes with it, so this photo is one of me at the Alamo during our recent trip to San Antonio. I took the magazine along for the trip and it was in my handbag. When my dear hubby (whom maybe I will picture tomorrow) wanted to take my photo, I cringed. I really don't like pictures of me, and especially if I am not looking my best. I have however come to realize, that the me I don't like in photos is the real me. T-shirt, jeans and a ponytail, yep that's me. Not very pretty, but I have a big heart and a sparkling personality. If you take time to get through the outer layer, you might just find that out. Sorry, didn't mean to get on the soap box there. Back to the photo a day thing...I think you will enjoy so check back tomorrow to see what I have.
Don't park in your comfort zone!
Here is the lesson I have been led to bring to the WMA today...I have never taught adults before, much less bringing a devotional type lesson to a group of more spiritually mature women than myself, but when a volunteer was needed, I felt that God was telling me to do it, so here is what I've gotten peace to deliver. Maybe I will post later and tell you how it went.
OPEN: First thing I'd like us to do is switch sides of the room. At least changes seats, sit somewhere you have never sit before. (allow time for them to move) I realize this doesn't make you happy, but I need your help by doing this to open my lesson point. (after they have all settled back down) I'd like for you to fold your arms, whatever comes natural. Now switch them, ... (pause and allow them to switch)...feels kind of weird doesn't it? You can uncross your arms. Now I want you to hand your bible to the person on your right. (allow time for trade) Are you getting irratated with me yet? (if they are complaining already then mention that you can tell they are irratated already. If I were in your seat I would be questioning the reasoning behind this nonsense already....
I haven't asked you to do anything that would harm you; Yet you are not comfortable with these actions I've asked of you. Most of you wish by now, that Sis. Kristy were standing here instead of me. At this point I know you are all ready for me to move on to the lesson. These actions, and you reactions, bring me to my point today. "DON'T PARK IN YOUR COMFORT ZONE!'
- Take oysters for example, they provide such beautiful pearls, but look at the irratation and DISCOMFORT they endure to produce those pearls.
- here's another example - DIETING - I am sure each of us in this room at some point or another have dieted....think back to that time.....what happened if or when you hit a plateau...You had to change things, you had to sacrafice additional foods, or exercise more....you had to get out of your COMFORT ZONE
- Or, how about an athlete,....records don't get broken by doing the same thing over and over....Gold medals aren't won without extra effort and DISCOMFORT in pushing themselves further than they have been before
- Here's an example I can tell you from personal expierence...and most of you in this room could as well...I have children, and darling as they are, the process in which they got here certainly was out of my COMFORT ZONE...But can I tell you that the rewards have so been worth the DISCOMFORT
There are COMFORT ZONES in our Christianity too...Many times as Christians, we find our niche and settle into it....never to be moved or stretched again....Don't get me wrong,... There is nothing wrong with finding a place, a position, a task or activity that we are well suited to and doing it very well, but if we never even look beyond it, we very well my be missing the fullness of joy Christ has for us in serving Him and His kingdom. As Christs church, we need to reach beyoun the walls of the church building and really let our relationship with Christ shine through us in every aspect of our lives. If you were accused of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?
All to often, we miss the opportunity to experience God's power at work in us because we're not willing to let Him have control....We won't surrender or own plans, our hopes and dreams....We don't want to do anything that might jeopardize our families, our careers, our lifestyles or our sense of COMFORT
Somehow we can't bring ourselves to step out of our COMFORT ZONES unless we have all the answers up front... unless we know how everything will turn out from the start....we are reluctant to obey....we want some sort of guarantee...we want to know that it will stay within our COMFORT ZONES
Over and over again, we read about men and women in the bible who did great things for God,,,notice I didn't say great men and women....but men and women who did great things...Do you know what they had in common...Each one of them had a big Heart for God, like Nehemiah. (Read Nehemiah 1:1-11)
I'd encourage you to read the entire story of Nehemiah. But today, there's one chapter of his life that I'd like to focus on....when Nehemiah took a step out of his comfort zone and made an eternal difference for God. Nehemiah was a displaced Jew living a long way from Jerusalem....He had risen to prominence as the cupbearer to the king and he lived quite a COMFORTABLE life in the king's palace....he was living the good life....
One fateful day, some Jewish friends of his returned from a jaunt to Jerusalem.....he asked them a question that ended up changing his life..."How is it with the people of Jerusalem"? The news was not good...When he heard this, it was like a shot to the solar plexus...It buckled him...It swept him off his feet and onto his knees!...He began to cry out to God....but not simply for a moment...He prayed for months before God showed him what to do! Nehemiah knew what God was doing in his heart....He knew God wanted him to go back to Jerusalem and rebuild the wall....He could have chosen to stay in his COMFORT ZONE...he could have continued to live in luxury...but Nehemiah's heart was with God....
I believe God is doing that same thing in the hearts of His people today. That includes you and I. He's stirring our hearts to do something for His glory....You don't have to be a pastor, a missionary, or a super-spiritual star...just take a look at me....All you have to do is have a heart for God...and a willingness to get out of your COMFORT ZONE ...I certainly am not in my COMFORT ZONE standing here in front of you ladies, but when God pricked my heart, well I figured who was I to refuse....
(read Isaiah 30:21) Wether we turn to the right or to the left, our ears will hear a voice behind us, saying "This is the way, walk in it" We just have to start listening to that voice. (read Isaiah 28:26) God instructs us and teaches us the right way. He has a plan and a path for each of us, but we must make the decision to get beyond being COMFORTABLE in our Chrisianity and decide to live as Jesus did!
Even though we "Step out of our COMFORT ZONE" to be in the will of God, we still face trying moments....With that being said, may this thought be the one that sticks with you and encourages your heart: It is Great to be where God wants you!
I pose this question to you....What is your COMFORT ZONE?....it may be that God is calling you to another area of the Ministry other than where you are presently... It may be that you need to sacrifice something that you really enjoy but you know it is God's will (emphatic: It will be worth it!)
Jesus' methods to get you and I out of our COMFORT ZONES and watch over our lives are often NOT the way we would do it, but Obedience to God's ways will bring about His desired Results and Fruits in our lives...Whatever God tells us to do that affects our COMFORT ZONES, ... it is for the greater good of us and the body of Christ...God is not telling us to get out fo our COMFORT ZONES to make our lives miserable....He is telling us to get out of our COMFORT ZONES so that He can do a fresh work in our life.
There are people all around us that Jesus loves and died for who have yet to receive the marvelous gift of Salvation! Lets look at Matthew 28:18-20. (read it) It is our responsibility as Christians to share that gift with everyone we can reach, just as the Bible tells us. We really are to be evangelists everyday....living by the Word and Jesus' example....Our Saviour certainly stepped out of His COMFORT ZONE when He suffered the awful agony and died on the Cross! If you were accused of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?....You may have to step out of your COMFORT ZONE to be convicted...
If you sense God is leading you "out of your COMFORT ZONE" and whatever that means for you, ..... be obedient to Him........If thats where God wants you, its the best place to be!
OPEN: First thing I'd like us to do is switch sides of the room. At least changes seats, sit somewhere you have never sit before. (allow time for them to move) I realize this doesn't make you happy, but I need your help by doing this to open my lesson point. (after they have all settled back down) I'd like for you to fold your arms, whatever comes natural. Now switch them, ... (pause and allow them to switch)...feels kind of weird doesn't it? You can uncross your arms. Now I want you to hand your bible to the person on your right. (allow time for trade) Are you getting irratated with me yet? (if they are complaining already then mention that you can tell they are irratated already. If I were in your seat I would be questioning the reasoning behind this nonsense already....
I haven't asked you to do anything that would harm you; Yet you are not comfortable with these actions I've asked of you. Most of you wish by now, that Sis. Kristy were standing here instead of me. At this point I know you are all ready for me to move on to the lesson. These actions, and you reactions, bring me to my point today. "DON'T PARK IN YOUR COMFORT ZONE!'
- Take oysters for example, they provide such beautiful pearls, but look at the irratation and DISCOMFORT they endure to produce those pearls.
- here's another example - DIETING - I am sure each of us in this room at some point or another have dieted....think back to that time.....what happened if or when you hit a plateau...You had to change things, you had to sacrafice additional foods, or exercise more....you had to get out of your COMFORT ZONE
- Or, how about an athlete,....records don't get broken by doing the same thing over and over....Gold medals aren't won without extra effort and DISCOMFORT in pushing themselves further than they have been before
- Here's an example I can tell you from personal expierence...and most of you in this room could as well...I have children, and darling as they are, the process in which they got here certainly was out of my COMFORT ZONE...But can I tell you that the rewards have so been worth the DISCOMFORT
There are COMFORT ZONES in our Christianity too...Many times as Christians, we find our niche and settle into it....never to be moved or stretched again....Don't get me wrong,... There is nothing wrong with finding a place, a position, a task or activity that we are well suited to and doing it very well, but if we never even look beyond it, we very well my be missing the fullness of joy Christ has for us in serving Him and His kingdom. As Christs church, we need to reach beyoun the walls of the church building and really let our relationship with Christ shine through us in every aspect of our lives. If you were accused of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?
All to often, we miss the opportunity to experience God's power at work in us because we're not willing to let Him have control....We won't surrender or own plans, our hopes and dreams....We don't want to do anything that might jeopardize our families, our careers, our lifestyles or our sense of COMFORT
Somehow we can't bring ourselves to step out of our COMFORT ZONES unless we have all the answers up front... unless we know how everything will turn out from the start....we are reluctant to obey....we want some sort of guarantee...we want to know that it will stay within our COMFORT ZONES
Over and over again, we read about men and women in the bible who did great things for God,,,notice I didn't say great men and women....but men and women who did great things...Do you know what they had in common...Each one of them had a big Heart for God, like Nehemiah. (Read Nehemiah 1:1-11)
I'd encourage you to read the entire story of Nehemiah. But today, there's one chapter of his life that I'd like to focus on....when Nehemiah took a step out of his comfort zone and made an eternal difference for God. Nehemiah was a displaced Jew living a long way from Jerusalem....He had risen to prominence as the cupbearer to the king and he lived quite a COMFORTABLE life in the king's palace....he was living the good life....
One fateful day, some Jewish friends of his returned from a jaunt to Jerusalem.....he asked them a question that ended up changing his life..."How is it with the people of Jerusalem"? The news was not good...When he heard this, it was like a shot to the solar plexus...It buckled him...It swept him off his feet and onto his knees!...He began to cry out to God....but not simply for a moment...He prayed for months before God showed him what to do! Nehemiah knew what God was doing in his heart....He knew God wanted him to go back to Jerusalem and rebuild the wall....He could have chosen to stay in his COMFORT ZONE...he could have continued to live in luxury...but Nehemiah's heart was with God....
I believe God is doing that same thing in the hearts of His people today. That includes you and I. He's stirring our hearts to do something for His glory....You don't have to be a pastor, a missionary, or a super-spiritual star...just take a look at me....All you have to do is have a heart for God...and a willingness to get out of your COMFORT ZONE ...I certainly am not in my COMFORT ZONE standing here in front of you ladies, but when God pricked my heart, well I figured who was I to refuse....
(read Isaiah 30:21) Wether we turn to the right or to the left, our ears will hear a voice behind us, saying "This is the way, walk in it" We just have to start listening to that voice. (read Isaiah 28:26) God instructs us and teaches us the right way. He has a plan and a path for each of us, but we must make the decision to get beyond being COMFORTABLE in our Chrisianity and decide to live as Jesus did!
Even though we "Step out of our COMFORT ZONE" to be in the will of God, we still face trying moments....With that being said, may this thought be the one that sticks with you and encourages your heart: It is Great to be where God wants you!
I pose this question to you....What is your COMFORT ZONE?....it may be that God is calling you to another area of the Ministry other than where you are presently... It may be that you need to sacrifice something that you really enjoy but you know it is God's will (emphatic: It will be worth it!)
Jesus' methods to get you and I out of our COMFORT ZONES and watch over our lives are often NOT the way we would do it, but Obedience to God's ways will bring about His desired Results and Fruits in our lives...Whatever God tells us to do that affects our COMFORT ZONES, ... it is for the greater good of us and the body of Christ...God is not telling us to get out fo our COMFORT ZONES to make our lives miserable....He is telling us to get out of our COMFORT ZONES so that He can do a fresh work in our life.
There are people all around us that Jesus loves and died for who have yet to receive the marvelous gift of Salvation! Lets look at Matthew 28:18-20. (read it) It is our responsibility as Christians to share that gift with everyone we can reach, just as the Bible tells us. We really are to be evangelists everyday....living by the Word and Jesus' example....Our Saviour certainly stepped out of His COMFORT ZONE when He suffered the awful agony and died on the Cross! If you were accused of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?....You may have to step out of your COMFORT ZONE to be convicted...
If you sense God is leading you "out of your COMFORT ZONE" and whatever that means for you, ..... be obedient to Him........If thats where God wants you, its the best place to be!
Saturday, July 7, 2007
picture test

I wanted to post a photo and I am not sure how, so I am using this post to try it out. This particular picture is a layout from my 2007 album. The pictures on this layout were from our trip to Galveston Beach for dad's birthday. I just love the wonder that shows in these photos....I love how Dakota is clining to Macy, and how Macy is happy to allow it...I like how Mason and Macy discover something new together.
I used papers and stamps from Close to my Heart products. The flip flops are random stamped on to the background paper. I like how the sailboats turned out; How the water is blue and the boats are a different color....all from one stamp....
Maybe now that I have posted a photo....I will post more often...
Saturday, June 30, 2007
hmmm....been a while
Mercy, it has been quite a while since I have been able to post. We have moved back to Pop's place. I have had my first ctmh gathering. I have really been cracking down on VBS stuff trying to get everthing in order. Not to mention going to the beach for Gary's b-day and San Antonio for our Anniversary. The kids loved it. Especially the Alamo. They were a little frightened by the things in the Wax Museum. I think Pop's favorite part was the boat ride on the riverwalk.
Friday, May 11, 2007
catching up!
Lots of things have been going on lately. Mason turned 8 now and we celebrated this year by having ELVIS come and give a concert at his 50's party. Lots of cleaning a preparing went on to make everything happen without a hitch. A few of us ladies at church have been planning for our mother/daughter banquet. I took pictures of all of Dakota's classmates for a cookbook they are making for mother's day. Rebecca gradutated from college in Florida, so I went on a trip with mom, Marylin and grandma and grandpa to the ceremony. I am still trying to keep up with everything that has to be done for unemployment. The girls are still playing t-ball, and if all that isn't busy enough, now I have signed on as a Close to my Heart Consultant. I hope to at least pay for my scrapping habit, and maybe teach a few others about preserving thier memories along the way. I am hosting a scrap/home gathering here at home on next Friday. I came up with an idea that I think will help me be successful at my sales goals, and that is to find a few ladies that are willing to commit to spending about $15 a month on CTMH product and have a monthly crop.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
backspace isn't working
It's been a couple of weeks since I have posted. I have been busy tying up loose ends now that I am staying at home for a while. I have been scrapbooking quite a bit. Last time I counted, I had completed about 43 pages since March 17. I have really been trying to organize my scrap stuff somewhat better, so that I know what I have and where everything is. Been on TALLYSCRAPPER.COM a whole lot. It has been a great source of inspiration for my scrapping lately.
The girls are still playing t-ball....they win some, they lose some (or the team does rather). I have gotten so many pictures, I don't know if I can scrap them all, but I have a good selection of shots to pick from. The telephoto lens I purchased has helped get some great action shots from a good distance.
I need to get busy with Mason's birthday plans. It is 2 weeks from today and I have only thought about what we need to do. I need to decide wether or not we are going to have "ELVIS" or some other type birthday. I have scheduled Elvis, but not confirmed yet. I am somewhat reserved due to the cost. Perhaps we will come up with something great before its to late.
The girls are still playing t-ball....they win some, they lose some (or the team does rather). I have gotten so many pictures, I don't know if I can scrap them all, but I have a good selection of shots to pick from. The telephoto lens I purchased has helped get some great action shots from a good distance.
I need to get busy with Mason's birthday plans. It is 2 weeks from today and I have only thought about what we need to do. I need to decide wether or not we are going to have "ELVIS" or some other type birthday. I have scheduled Elvis, but not confirmed yet. I am somewhat reserved due to the cost. Perhaps we will come up with something great before its to late.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Where do I start today? I wound up seperating from my job today. I am somewhat numb still from the shock. I have been pretty stressed about things lately, and it was time for a change. I feel like something wonderful lies ahead. Not sure what yet, but God will give me an opportunity when the time is right. For a few days at least, I am going to rest before I began a search for gainful employment.
Monday, April 2, 2007
Monday's mess
It doesn't appear that I am very good at keeping up with my blog. I have been so busy over the past few weeks. T-ball has us ripping and roaring. Last week alone we had 2 scrimages, plus opening ceremony and our first real game (astros sank the pirates 15 to 5). The 10- week bible study I had been attending ended this week. Plus we went to Church both Wednesday and Sunday. I felt bad because I missed the singing on Thursday night and the Concert on Saturday night. I am just so tired lately. I can't seem to keep up. Perhaps that's a sign that I am getting older. Shhhh don't tell! This week we have back to back games Monday and Tuesday at 7:30 pm. I don't mind playing, but that seems a little late to have T-ball players out. Starting that late means the game won't be over for at least an hour and a half. The rest of the week should fair better. At least until the weekend, since it is Easter. I am not sure yet what we will be doing, except at church. I'm running out of time so I must come back again later.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
2 days off
Well, I am back off to work tomorrow after having been off for 2 extra days. I had to go to the dentist today. I was hoping to use my time off to do some scrapping, but as it turns out I really didn't get much done. I did create an idea box. I have began using index cards to collect some of my loose thoughts, and adding them to my idea box for later use. Maybe that will help me out a good bit, and help me keep up with an idea so that it is easier to recall when I need it. I wonder is this a sign that I am getting older and more forgetful, I hope not. I use my short term memory so much at work with small details at times and retaining little bits of info, not to mention the telephone numbers, I have an entire phonebook in my brain. Anyway, that's my plan for now. Who knows if I will be able to keep up with it, but I think its the most feasible thing I have come across lately. I need to get off here and get busy scrapping.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
midnight musings
Well, I was at Wal-mart earlier this evening and it dawned on me that I hadn't gotten the church bulletin done. I volunteered to help out while aunt Vida is out recovering from her knee surgery. I managed to get it done and all the copies made.
After church we have a special called business meeting, and I am not looking forward to dealing with the business at hand. Anytime you have people discussing money its usually long and not always pretty. I trust that all will go according to God's plan.
Its so quiet around here tonight, the kids are all over at papa's house. This is 2 nights in a row. While I am enjoying the peace and quiet, it is somewhat disturbing. You may not be able to see just yet, but you will learn that I am a busy person. Always have 5 or 6 irons in the fire. Three of those are usually the kids. I miss not being able to say, "that's enough."
I really need to get busy getting my completed layouts scanned and put in albums and make room to keep making new pages. One of these days I am going to have to open a library just to house all my albums. When I am old and grey, I can sit in my rocker and look back over the pages of my books long after the kids have flown the coop, and reminisce about days gone by. I can just picture my self sitting there in a rocker, feet up, (Gary close by and most likey studying or watching tv) and suddenly bursting out with laughter over a memory of something silly the kids had done, and then turning the page and tears roll down my cheeks as another memory flashes by of days gone by that can't be changed. My greatest fear is to loose my memory. If that ever happens, maybe those pages will help me cope.
After church we have a special called business meeting, and I am not looking forward to dealing with the business at hand. Anytime you have people discussing money its usually long and not always pretty. I trust that all will go according to God's plan.
Its so quiet around here tonight, the kids are all over at papa's house. This is 2 nights in a row. While I am enjoying the peace and quiet, it is somewhat disturbing. You may not be able to see just yet, but you will learn that I am a busy person. Always have 5 or 6 irons in the fire. Three of those are usually the kids. I miss not being able to say, "that's enough."
I really need to get busy getting my completed layouts scanned and put in albums and make room to keep making new pages. One of these days I am going to have to open a library just to house all my albums. When I am old and grey, I can sit in my rocker and look back over the pages of my books long after the kids have flown the coop, and reminisce about days gone by. I can just picture my self sitting there in a rocker, feet up, (Gary close by and most likey studying or watching tv) and suddenly bursting out with laughter over a memory of something silly the kids had done, and then turning the page and tears roll down my cheeks as another memory flashes by of days gone by that can't be changed. My greatest fear is to loose my memory. If that ever happens, maybe those pages will help me cope.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
my first entry
Well, this is all brand new to me. I am a little slow getting on the train sometimes but here I am. I think this is going to be a little addicting. I can record my many thoughts and look back over them later. Don't get me wrong, my memory isn't failing me yet, but I am always busy and tend to remember things after its to late or I can't seem to recall it on cue. This will be especially helpful with my scrapbook journaling.
I decided to start this after reading several other blogs. One in particular was from a mother who had lost her 16 yr old daughter and this became part of her memorial. While I haven't faced that tragedy, I still felt it important to start writing things down. One never knows when they will be faced with that and this is a good way to reflect back on my thoughts during different periods of my life.
I don't mean to make this long, or to bore the one who reads it, but much like a journal entry I just keep going until I have nothing left to add.
I decided to start this after reading several other blogs. One in particular was from a mother who had lost her 16 yr old daughter and this became part of her memorial. While I haven't faced that tragedy, I still felt it important to start writing things down. One never knows when they will be faced with that and this is a good way to reflect back on my thoughts during different periods of my life.
I don't mean to make this long, or to bore the one who reads it, but much like a journal entry I just keep going until I have nothing left to add.
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